صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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THE Author is afraid that something like egotism may appear in some parts of the work; should such be the case his plea is that many have borrowed largely from him, without due acknowledgment, with one exception only that he is aware of, the Messrs. Chambers, of Edinburgh, who, although they do not give a correct account as to the origin of the Infant System, yet have done him ample justice in every other respect, they have given Mr. Owen the credit of originating the Infant System, which statement is proved in the last edition of "Early Discipline," to be not correct.

The reader may require some information, why the Explanation of the Plates did not come in that part of the work where they are placed; the reason is, the explanations could not be written without the drawing or the proof, which were in the hands of the engraver; it was, therefore, thought better not to delay the work on that account.

Trafalgar Place, Warrington,

May, 1840.



Education essential for all classes ..Objections answered....... Advan-

tages of general education...Necessity of commencing education

in infancy...Neglect of heart and moral education...Inefficacy

of national, parish, and Sunday schools, as they now exist...

Reasons given...Early display of feelings in children...Necessity

of infant education explained...Neglect of physical and moral

education...Infant system misunderstood... Its leading objects

explained... Its peculiar necessity for the children of the labour-

ing classes...Objections answered...Neglect of the legislature on

the subject of infant training...Objections answered...Deficiency

of teachers...Advantages of properly conducted infant schools

...Advice to teachers... Susceptibility of the infant mind.......Ad-

vice to parents... Advantages of kindness to infants...Anecdote

...The infant system, to be effective, must be understood... En-

quiries of children for knowledge too frequently repulsed.....In-

fluence of the state of the atmosphere, weather, and time, on

infants...Importance of ventilation...Efficacy of the play-ground

in developing the propensities...Cleanliness, its importance..

Manner of reviving the energies of children... Advice to teachers

...Moral training hitherto neglected... Importance of the play-

ground...Good effects of early moral training...Example of trial

by jury... Beneficial results of play-ground discipline... Various

devices for conveying instruction...Development of the reflec-

tive powers...Picture of a child on first entering an infant

school...How corrected...Every infant school must have a play-

ground...Opinion of an Edinburgh publication on the infant


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