Vergilian Digest, العدد 35Vergilian Society, 1989 |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-1 من 1
الصفحة 129
... allude to Homeric roles played by other characters . Other " more challenging examples " include a fine demonstration of how the description of Aeneas ' anxiety in 8.18ff evokes Dido by way of Apollonius and Catullus , suggesting a ...
... allude to Homeric roles played by other characters . Other " more challenging examples " include a fine demonstration of how the description of Aeneas ' anxiety in 8.18ff evokes Dido by way of Apollonius and Catullus , suggesting a ...
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
AAPhA Acestes Aeetes Aeneas Aeneid Alcinous allusion Anchises Apollonius Argon Argonautica Aristophanes Augustan Augustus Ausonius BICS Suppl Callimachus Cambridge Carthage Catullus Catullus 11 cento Classical clause colonial colonists context Cornell note critical Cumae Cybele Dido's Diss divine Dryden echoes Eclogue epic Epicurean Evander example Francesco Della Corte further voices Georgics Greece Greek Helenus hero Homer Horsfall interpretation inversion Italy Jason Jerome Juno Jupiter Knight language Latin Lausus literary literature London Lucretian Lucretius Lyne Medea metalanguage Mezentius monarch mortality narrative Odysseus oracle original Orpheus Oxford parallel passage Paus pecudumque phrase Phrixus poet poetic poetry polyptoton praise Proba Proba's Cento Proba's poem quae reader reference rerum rhetoric Roger Roman Rome scholarship Scripture simile soul speech story Suerbaum note Thuc tion tradition translation Trojans Troy Turnus University urbem Venus Vergilian Society Vergilius 34 verse Virg Virgil Virgil's Aeneid Virgilio words