tefted Abodes of the Cyclops, Vol. 1. ae. 169 Eneas lofes his Father at Drepanum, and closes his Story to Dido, v. I. ae. 173 -Goes out a Hunting with Dido, v. 2. ae. 14 --Leaves her and the Lybian Coasts with his Ships, v. 2. ae. 49 -Driven into a Port of Sicily is kindly received by Aceftes, v. 2. ae. 62 --Celebrates the Anniversary of his Father's Death, v. 2. ae 65 --Builds Acefta V. 2. at. 108 --Leaves Sicily,
--After the Lofs of Palinurus, directs the Veffel him.felf, v. 2. ae. 116 Lands at Cuma in Campania, v. 2. ae. Confults the Sybil,
-Is directed to the golden Branch by two Pigeons,
--Erects a Tomb to Mifenus, --Directed by the Sybil, comes to Acheron,
Ivory Gate, v. 2. ae. 174 Lands in Italy, V. 2. ae. 178 --Sends a hundred Ambaffadors to King La- v. 2. ae. 185 -Begs Succour of Evander against Turnus, v. 2. ae. 234
-His Request is granted by Evander, v. 2. ae. 235 He is joined by Pallas Evander's Son, v. 2. ae. 255, -He is prefented by his Mother Venus with Arms made by Vulcan at her Request, and on his Shield are drawn the most memorable Actions of his Pofterity, v. 2. ae. 261 -His Ships turned to Sea-Nymphs, v. 2. ae. 276 --Returns with the Arcadians and Tufcans, v. 2. ae. 332
Kills Laufus, as he aided his Father, v. 2. ae. 360 --Kills Laufus's Father Mezentius v. 2, ae. 365 -His Lamentation over Pallas, v. 2. ae. 368 -Sends home his Body with great Solem- nity, v. 2. ae. 370 v. 2. ae. 376 v. 2. ac. 434
--Buries his Dead, -Is wounded,
Alphafibæus and Damon their Songs, v. 1. B. 37 Altars, thought to be the
Africa, Italy, and Sicily, Amaryllis, who,
gates between
V. 1. ae. Il v. I. B. 2
v. 2. ae. 439
Ambrofia, the Food of the Gods, Ampbryfus, a River in Sicily, by which Apello fed Admetus's Sheep, Amphion caufes the Stones of Thebes to dance into their Places by the Power of his Mufic, v. I. B. S Amycle, a City of Laconia, where Caftor, and Pollux were brought up, v. 1. G. 121 Anchifes, Eneas's Father, dies in Sicily, v. 1. ae. 173
-Appears to Eneas, V. 2. ae. 106 —Explains to him the whole System of the infernal Regions according to the Prin- ciples of the Pythagorean and Platonic Phi- lofophy, v. 2. ae. 162 Antandros, a City of Leffer Phrygia, at the Foot of Mount Ida.
Apennine, the greatest Mountain in Italy, v. 2. ae. 456
Aracynthus, a Town on the Confines of Attica and Beotia V. I. B. 8 Araxes, a River in Armenia, that bore down a Bridge that Alexander built over
Arethusa, a Fountain or Fountain Sicily,
it, v. 2. ae. 268 Nymph, in v. I. B. 48 Arion, a Lyric Poet, his Story, v. I. B.40 Ariftas poft aliquot, the true Senfe of, v.1.B.5 Ariftaus, the Son of Apollo by Cyrene, V» I. G. 166 Articles agreed on between the Latins and Tre- jans, v. 3. ae. 427 --Are broken by the Latins,
Baccar, or Ladies-glove, thought to have Virtue against Fascination, v, I. B. 19 Bacchus, the God of Winc, invoked, V. 1. G.. 83. neas and the
Battle, a bloody one between
Bees, what Station proper for
v. 2. ac. 333 them, v. 1. G. 149 -When they begin to gather Honey, v. 1. G. 151 calling them home when they fwarm, v. I. G. 152 Their Battle and Slaughter defcribed, v. 1. G. 152 -How to part them when engaged in Battle, v. 1. G. 153 -Different Kinds of them, v. 1. G. 153 Their Policy and great Industry, v. I. G. 157 -Their ufual Term of Life, V. 1. G. 160 -Their Union and Loyalty to their King,
v. 1. G. 160 -Difeafes incident to them, v. 1. G. 163 -A Method of restoring their Kind, if their Breed were loft, v. I. G. 167 -The Hiftory of the Invention of restoring them, v. 1. G. 167 Bellua Lerna, a Snake in the Lake Lerna, de- froyed by Hercules, V. 2. ae. 135 Benacus, a Lake in the Territory of Verona,
Berecynthia, the Mother of the tition to Jupiter,
Bianer, the Son of Tiber, and the who founded Mantua,
V. 2. ae. 327 Gods, her Pe-
V. 2. ae. 274 Nymph Manto, v. 1. B. 47 v. 1. G. 141
Bifalte, a People of Macedon, Bereas, commiffioned to affift Æneas,
Chalcas, Prophet, or Soothfayer of the Grecian Army,
Calliopea, Orpheus's Mother, Camilla, fignalizes herself in
Is Bain by Aruns,
v. 1. B. 21 Battle, v. 2. ac. 401 v. 2. ae. 410 Candidus, an Emblem of Divinity, v. 1. B. 25 Carthage, a City in Africa, fronting Italy, V. I. ae. 3 Caffandra, Priam's Daughter, foretells the Ruin of the Trojans, v. 1. ae. 75 Caftor and Pollux, the History of them, v. 2. ae.125
Cattle, Murrain among them, v. 1. G.142 Caucafus, a famous Range of Mountains, run- ning from the Black Sea to the Caspian, v. 1. G. 109 Calang the Harpy, her Prophecy to Eneas, v. 1.
v. 1. B. 32 v. 1. B. 6 v. 1. B. 7 most beauti-
V. 1. G. 110
to the Epi- v. 1. B. 29 V. t. ae. 114 € V., ae. 116 - V. ae. 130 i the Egean Sea, Mount Etna,
v. 1. ae. 131
V. ae. 17
v. 1. ae. 13
Diana's native ... v. 1. ae. 38
Cyterus, a Mountain of Paphlagonia,
Dadalus, an ingenious Artificer, v. 2. ae. 118 Damotas and. Menalcas, their Contention which fung beft, v. I. B. II Damon and Alphefibus, their Songs, v. 1. B.
Denai, the Greeks, fo denominated
Daphnis, his Funeral Elogy,
-His Deification,
37 from Du- V. I. ac. 57 v. 1. B. 22 v. 1. B. 24 Deductum dicere Parmen, explained, v. 1. B. 27 Deiphobus, Friam's Son, who married Helen after Paris's Death, V. 1. ae. 80 Dictamnum, Dittany, which grows only in Crete, v. 2. ae. 439 Dido, adminifters Justice to her Subjects, v. r. ae. 38
Her kind Reply to Ilioneus and the Trojans,
Meets Areas, and leads him Apartments, -Entertains him and his Trojans Manner,
Is inflamed with the Love of
v. J. ae. 43 her royal V. I. ae. 47
v. 1. ac. 53 Eneas, v. 1.
See and Eneas feparated from the Hunters by a heavy Storm, v. 2. ae. 15 Repairs to the fame Cave with Eneas, v. 2. ae. 15
-Her Amour with Eneas carried by Fame through all the Cities of Libya, V. 2. ae. 16 -Difcovers Encas's Defign of leaving her,
-Makes ufe of all the Arguments she could devife to perfuade him to lay his Refolution afido, v. 2. ae. 27 She at laft looks with Averfion on Encas I while he is answering her Speech, v. 2. ae.
32 -Becomes quite furious, and threatens that her Ghost should haunt him after her Death, v. 2. ae. 34 -Eneas in Sufpence whether to give way to Love, or obey the Commands of the Gods; refolves on the Latter, and endeavours to fo- lace her, v. 2. ac. 35 -She falls into Tears once more, and prays him to stay, but in vain, v. 2. ae. 36 -She prays her Sifter to go and perfuade him but to delay his Voyage till the Winds are fair, v. 2. ae. 37 -All her Sifter's Remonftrances draw only a few Tears from Eneas, upon which Dido be-
comes defperate and longs for Death, v. 2. ae. 39 -She contrives the Manner of her Death, but 'conceals it from her Sifter, v. 2. ae. 40 -Love takes Place once more, which puts her in Sufpenfe whether to follow Encas or die v. 2. ac. 46 -Blames her Sifter for advifing her to love Æneas, v. 2. ae.47 Mounts the Funeral Pile, utters her laft Words, aud falls upon a Sword, v. 2. ae. 25 -On her Dearh are heard the Groans and Shrieks of her Servants and Subjects, v, 2.
Entellus vanquishes Dares at the Gauntlet Fight, Entrance into Hell defcribed, v. 2. ae. 134 Epulis accumbere Divum, what it imports,
Ephialtes, one of the Giants whom Neptune begot on Iphimedia, v. 2. ae. 153 Exata, the Mufe who prefides over Love, v. 2. ae. 178
Gallus, a remarkable and noble Compliment made him by Virgil, -Linus's fine Addrefs to him, Virgil pities his hard Ufage by condoles his Misfortune, -A great Patron of Virgil's, and
v. I. B. 31 v. 1. B. 31 Lycoris, and v. I. B. 49 an excellent v. 1. B. 48 of his Mif- v. 1. B. 48 Lycoris, but v. 1. B. 50 Anchifes's Ma- v. 2. ae. 67
-Comforted by Virgil on the Lofs trefs, --Expreffes his fincere Love for defpans of obtaining her, Games, exhibited in Honour of
Ganymede, made Cup-bearer to the Gods in Place of Hebe,
v. 1. ae. 5 Garumanta and Indi, Ethiopians, anciently fo called,, v. 2. ae. 161 Garganus, a Mountain in Apulia, v. 2. ae. 379 Gargara, a Part of Mount Ida, and a City in Trods, v. 1. G. 59 Gates, Horn and Ivory, the Meaning of them, Gauntlet, or Ceftus, what, v. 2. ae. 145-Fight, defcribed, Gaza, a Perfian Word for Riches, Arcadia, v. 2, ae. 89 v. 2. ac. 456
Eridanus, or the Po, the largest River in Italy,
V. I. G. 80 Eriphile, Wife of Ampbiaraus, Prophet of Argos, Erymanthus, a famous Foreft in
Fryx, a Mountain in Sicily, Evadne, Wife of Capaneus, Evander's Lamentation over his
Eurota, a River near Sparta, Euryalus and Nifus go to recal
Their generous Friendship,'. Is fain, Eurypbilus, a noble Augur fent pollo,
v. 2. ae. 145
Son Pallas,
v. 2. ae. 374 v. I. ae. 37
v. 2. ae. 285 v. 2. ae. 302 to confult A-
Fame, a most curious Description of her, v. 2.
Gelonia, a People of Scythia who Faces,
Geryon, King of Spain, feigned 17three Bodies,
Glaucus, a Sea-God,
v. 2-ae. 174 v. 1. ae. 86
v. 2. ae. 8g
V. I. ae.
Goats how to manage them, Gorgons, the Daughter of Pborcus,
v. 2. ae. 135 v. 2. ae. 112
V. I. G. 132
V. I. ae. 104
Gravifte, a Town in Etruria, fo called à gra- vitate Aeris,
Grynium, a City of Eolis, where a Temple, Gyares, one of the Cyclades Inlands gean Sea,
Toil moft elegantly and fully
ae. G. 62 expreffed in v. 1. G. 107
-Promises to stand neuter, Stygius, a Name given to Pluto, v. 2. ae.
53 a few Lines, Ixion, King of the Lapitha, his History, v. 2. Hybia, a Mountain of Sicily, productive of ae. 154 the finest Honey, Hyrtania, a Country of Afia, now
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