Whence has the world her magic pow'r? The cause is Conscience-Conscience oft Her voice is terrible though soft, Then anxious to be longer spar'd "Tis judgment shakes him; there's the fear, And must despair to pay. Pay!-follow Christ, and all is paid; ON A SIMILAR OCCASION, For the year 1793. De sacris autem hæc sit una sententia, ut conserventur. Cic. de Leg. But let us all concur in this one sentiment, that all things sacred be inviolate. He lives, who lives to God alone, For other source than God is none To live to God is to requite Is falsely nam'd, and no such thing, Can life in them deserve the name, For what poor toys they can disclaim Who, much diseas'd, yet nothing feel; Who deem his house a useless, place, Who trample order; and the day, Such want it, and that want, uncur'd Speaks him a criminal, assur'd Of everlasting death. Sad period to a pleasant course! Sabbaths profan'd without remorse, INSCRIPTION FOR THE TOMB OF MR. HAMILTON. PAUSE here, and think; a monitory rhyme And many a tomb, like Hamilton's, aloud EPITAPH ON A HARE. HERE lies, whom hound did ne'er pursue, Old Tiney, surliest of his kind, Though duly from my hand he took His diet was of wheaten bread, On twigs of hawthorn he regal'd, But most before approaching show'rs, Eight years and five round-rolling moons And ev'ry night at play. I kept him for his humour's sake, But now beneath his walnut shade He, still more aged, feels the shocks, APPENDIX. TABLE TALK, p. 1. Or this Poem, Mr. Cowper, in a letter to his friend, the Rev. John Newton, dated February 18th, 1781, says, "I send you Table Talk. It is a medley of many things, some that may be useful, and some that, for aught I know, may be very diverting. I am merry that I may decoy people into my company, and grave that they may be the better for it. Now and then I put on the garb of a philosopher, and take the opportunity that disguise procures me, to drop a word in favour of religion. In short, there is some, and here and there a bit of sweetmeat, which seems to entitle it justly to the name of a certain dish the ladies call a trifle. I did not choose to be more facetious, lest I should consult the taste of my readers at the expense of my own approbation; nor more serious than I have been, lest I should forfeit theirs. A poet in my circumstances has a difficult part to act: one minute obliged to bridle his humour, if he has any, and the next, to clap a spur to it: now ready to weep from a sense of the importance of his subject, and on a sudden constrained to laugh, lest his gravity should be mistaken for dulness. If this be not violent exercise for the mind, I know not what is, and if any man doubt it, let him try. Whether all this management and contrivance be necessary, I do not know, but am inclined to suspect that if my Muse was to go forth clad in Quaker colour, without one bit of riband to enliven her appearance, she might walk from one end of London to the other, as little noticed as if she were one of the sisterhood indeed."---Cowper's Correspondence, vol. i. p. 77. RETIREMENT, p. 139. "I HAVE already begun and proceeded a little way in a poem called Retirement. My view in choosing that subject is to direct to the proper use of the opportunities it affords for the cultivation of a man's best interests; to censure the vices and the follies which people carry with them into their retreats, where they make no other use of their leisure than to gratify themselves with the indulgence of their favourite appetites, and to pay themselves, by a life of pleasure, for a life of business. In conclusion, I would enlarge upon the happiness of that state, when discreetly enjoyed and religiously improved. But all this is, at present, in embryo. I generally despair of my progress when I begin; but if, like my travelling 'squire, I should kindle as I go, this likewise may make a part of the volume, for I have time enough before me."-Ibid, p. 134. JOHN GILPIN, p. 375. IN another letter to Mr. Newton, he says, "I should blame nobody, not even my intimate friends, and those who have the most favourable opinion of me, were they to charge the publication of John Gilpin, at the end of so much solemn and serious truth, to the score of the |