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alfo to go to Corinth. For there the Apoftle fays: Now if Timothie come, fee that he may be with with you without fear. For he worketh the work of the Lord, as I alfo do. Let no man therefore defpife him: but conduct him forth in peace, that he may come unto me. For I look for him with the brethren. Paul therefore was in expectation of Timothie's coming to him at Ephefus. Which I fuppofe he did, before Paul removed thence. Paul fays. 1 Cor. xvi. 8. 9. But I will tarry at Ephesus, untill Pentecoft. For a great door and effectual is opened unto me. And there are many adverfaries. The Pentecoft, there mentioned, I suppose to be that of the year 56.

Some time therefore in the year 56. before Pentecoft, or about that feafon, Paul left Ephefus to go into Macedonia. So fays St. Luke in his account of Paul's removal from Ephefus. He first mentions Macedonia, and then Greece. Acts xx. 1. 2. And from what Paul says 2 Cor. ii. 12. it is argued, that (k) he did not fail away directly from Ephesus to Macedonia: but travelled by land to Troas, and then went over to Macedonia by fea. If fo, he went now into Macedonia, by the fame way that he had done, when he was first there. Acts xvi. 11. 12.

But how long was Paul now in Macedonia and Achaia? or what space of time was there between his leaving Ephefus, and Troas, and his return to Troas, in his way to Jerufalem. If it was a year only, or fomewhat lefs, the Paffover mentioned Acts xx. 6. and the Pentecoft, mentioned ver. 16. were in the year 57. But if Paul's journey from Ephefus, round about by Troas, Macedonia, and Achaia, and Macedonia again, to Troas, in the way to Jerufalem, took up two years, or thereabout, then the Pentecoft mentioned Acts xx. 16. was in the year And, if I mistake not, there are several confiderations, leading us to of Chrift 58. think, that thefe journeyings took up more, than the space of a


It need not to be doubted, that Timothie returned from Corinth to Paul, before the Apoftle removed from Ephefus. And that Paul left him there, will be manifeft from that, which is called the first epistle to Timothie. As I befought thee to abide ftill at Ephefus, when I went into Macedonia, that thou mighteft charge fome, that they teach no other doctrine. 1 Tim. i. 3. Paul therefore left Timothie at Ephefus, for weighty reafons: and fome time after his coming into Macedonia, wrote him a letter, for his direction and affiftance in the arduous work, lying before him. But Timothie was with Paul, at writing the fecond epistle to the Corinthians. For it begins thus: Paul an Apoftle of Jefus Chrift... and Timothie our brother unto the church of God, which is at Corinth, with all the faints in all Achaia. That letter was fent from Macedonia, a little before Paul went to Corinth. But some good while must have paffed be


(k) Sed quid interea Paulus, poftquam Ephefo profectus eft, ut iret in Macedoniam? Per Minorem Afiam iter faciens, venit Troadem nobiliffimam civitatem, quæ adjacet Hellefponto: ubi quærens Titum, cum non inveniffet, tranfmiffo freto abiit in Macedoniam. 2 Cor. ii. Baron. ann. 57. num. clxxxv.

Paul ne s'embarqua pas à Ephese, mais il vint à Troad dans le deffein d'y prefcher l'evangile. Tillem. S. Paul, art. 31.

tween Paul's leaving Timothie at Ephesus, and writing to him, and this fecond epistle to the Corinthians. Paul, it is very probable, did not send for Timothie to come to him from Ephefus presently after he had left him there. I might add, that there must have been fome emergent occafions, that induced Paul to call Timothie to him from Ephefus, where his prefence was of great importance. What thofe occafions were, Luke has not at all hinted. But they may be fuppofed. However, I do not now stay, to hint what they were.

Paul in his fecond epistle to the Corinthians. ch. i. and xiii. 1. apologizeth for his deferring fo long to come to them. But there could have been no occafion for fuch apologies, if he had come to them in the fame year that he wrote his firft epiftle.

Paul fays I Cor. xvi. 5. 6. Now I will come unto you, when I fhall pafs through Macedonia.... And it may be, that I will abide, yea, and winter with you. But Paul did not abide, and winter with them, according to this propofal, as here intimated. If he had, there could have been no ground for fuch apologies, as are in the second epiftle. Nevertheless the Apostle did spend three months with them, not very long before a passover. Which must have been partly in fome winter. As they could not be in the year 56. when the firft epiftle to them was writ, they must have been in the year after, that is about the end of the year 57. and the begining of the year 58. See again Acts xx. 1. . . . 6.

St. Paul fays 2 Cor. ix. 2. For I know the forwardneffe of your mind. For which I boaft of you to them of Macedonia, that Achaia was ready a year ago. And your zeal has provoked very many. Which plainly fhews, that it was now above a year, fince writing the firft epiftle to the Corinthians, which was fent from Ephefus. For there he fays ch. xii. 1. 2. Now concerning the collection for the faints, as I have given directions to the churches of Galatia, fo do ye. Upon the first day of the week, let every one of you lay by him in ftore, as God has profpered him: that there be no gatherings, when I come. Thefe directions were then fent to the Corinthians. They there.. fore were not readie then. They could not be readie, till fome while after. And yet, at the time of writing the fecond epiftle to them, from Macedonia, they had been readie above a year.

This fhews, that Paul was above a year in Macedonia, or near it. Moreover after fending away this fecond letter, Paul went to Corinth, and ftaid there three months. And afterwards went thence through Macedomia to Troas.

Confequently there was the space of two years, or almost two years, between Paul's leaving Ephefus, and coming to Troas, in his way to Jerufalem.

As Paul did not winter at Corinth in the year 56. we are led to think of Nicopolis, mentioned Titus iii. 12.

Before I proceed, I must take some farther notice of the words of 2 Cor. i. 15. 16. And in this confidence I was minded to come unto you before, or first, that you might have a fecond benefit: and to pass by you into Macedo nia, and to come again out of Macedonia to you, and of you to be brought on my way toward Judea. Hence it may be concluded, that in the begining of the year 56. before Paul left Ephefus, he once had hopes of getting to Judea, in the year following, that is, in the year 57. probably at Paff


over, or Pentecoft, and that he had been prevented. He then intended to to go from Ephefus to Corinth, thence to Macedonia, and to return from Macedonia, to Corinth, that by the Chriftians there he might be brought on his way to Judea. But by fome means he had been carried into a different courfe. He had not yet been in Judea. Nor was he yet come to Corinth, though he had been in Macedonia. And, probably, he did not get into Judea before the Pentecoft in 58. Thefe words therefore muft induce us to think, that there was a longer space of time between Paul's leaving Ephefus, and coming to Corinth, and Jerufalem, than has been generally fuppofed of late.

Baronius fays, that (1) during this period Paul was in Crete, as well as in Macedonia, and Achaia, as does (m) Lightfoot: who also supposeth (n) Paul to have been now in Illyricum.

Dr. Benfon (0) thinks, that Paul might fay, as he does Rom. xv. 19. that he had preached the gofpel from Jerufalem round about unto Illyricum, upon account of his being, and that more than once, in Mace"donia, which bordered upon Illyricum, the Scardican mountains, and the "river Drilo, being the boundaries between them." And after the like manner Witfius, who thinks, that (p) Paul did not intend to say, that he had preached in Illyricum. For he only makes it the boundarie of his labours. However, he fays, that Appollonia' was a city of Illyricum.

Wall upon Acts xx. 2. (q) fays, "St. Paul did many great things in that nine months time. [So he computes.] It must have been during that space, I think, that he made an excurfion into Illyricum, and preached the gospel there."

Mr. Bifcoe delivers his thoughts in this manner: "In (r) the fame "epiftle he fays: From Jerufalem round about unto Illyricum, I have fully "preached the gospel of Christ. Which is a general confirmation of the "whole hiftorie of his travels in the book of the Acts. For in that hif"torie he is faid to have gone through Syria, Cilicia, and most, if not all "the countries in Peninfular Afia, to have gone over into Europe, and to pafs

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(n) Ibid. p. 307.

(0) Upon the Acts Vol. z. p. 174. first ed. p. 194. the fecond ed.

(P) Deinde iter fecerunt per Amphipolim urbem Philippis vicinam, et Apolloniam quæ eft Corinthiorum et Corcyræorum colonia, civitas Illyriæ. Sic enim Stephanus. . . . Verum id noftræ nunc potiffimum confiderationis: eft, quod Apollonia urbs Illyrica fit. Pertinet hoc ad illuftrationem illius quod Paulus Romanis fcripfit. xv. 19. ... Multorum ifte locus ingenia fatigavit, non invenientium, quo tempore Paulus evangelium, in Illyrico, quod fupponunt, prædicavit.... Sed quid laboramus incaffum? Primo enim Illyricum non comprehendit Paulus fuis itineribus, quafi id quoque evangelium prædicando peragraverit: fed Illyricum ftatuit itinerum fuorum termiVenit enim ad limites Illyrici, quando venit Apolloniam. Optime Grotius ad Rom. xv. 19. Macedonia, quam peragravit Paulus, Dalmatiam attingit, quæ pars Illyrici, et ipfum mare Illyricum. In co tractu eft Apollonia, nominata A&t. xvii. i. Wit), de Vit. Paul. Sect. v.


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"pafs through Macedonia into Greece. Now Berea, the laft city, in "which St. Paul is faid to have preached in Macedonia, could not be far "from Deffaretia, which was part of the ancient Illyricum. At the fame "time I muft own, it does not feem at all improbable to me, that St. "Paul might in one of his journeys through Macedonia, (for St. Luke "relates his paffing through Macedonia three times :) make an excurfion "into fome of the nearer parts of Illyricum, and plant the gospel among "them, though not taken notice of in the hiftorie of the (s) Acts. It is "certain however, that during St. Paul's life the gofpel was preached " even in the remoter parts of Illyricum, and not improbably by the Apof"tle himself, after his release from his firft imprisonment at Rome. For in "his fecond epiftle to Timothie, written when he was a fecond time pri"foner in that great city, he informs him, that he had fent Titus into "Dalmatia."

If I were to alter the later part of that paragraph, agreeably to my apprehenfions, it would ftand thus: "It is certain, that during St. Paul's life the gospel was preached even in the remoter parts of Illyricum, and "more than probable by the Apoftle himself, and that before his impri"fonment at Rome, when he was fent thither from Judea by Feftus. For "in his fecond epiftle to Timothie, writ during that his imprifonment "at Rome, he informs him, that he had fent Titus into Dalmatia."

The fecond epiftle to Timothie having been writ at that time, if any argument can be fetched from it, it must prove, that Paul had been in Illyricum, before he went to Jerufalem, and probably, at the time, which' we are now speaking of.

It appears to me very probable, that at this time Paul was in Illyricum, and Crete. But I cannot digeft the order of his journeys, fince St. Luke has not related them. St. Luke fays nothing of Paul's going to Troas. He only fays, that Paul went from Ephefus to Macedonia, and then came into Greece. Though Paul was preparing for his journey to Jerufalem, with contributions of Gentil churches, he was not in a hurrie. Nor were those collections his only concern. Notwithstanding the tumult at Ephefus, he took leave of his friends there with a good deal of deliberation. St. Luke's words are Acts xx. 1. And after the uproar was ceafed, Paul called unto him the difciples, and embraced them, and departed for to go into Macedonia. Nor does St. Luke reprefent the Apoftle in great hafte in that countrey. For he fays: ver. 2. And when he had gone over thofe parts, and had given them much exhortation, he came into Greece.

It is now a common opinion, that (t) St. Paul did not go directly to Macedonia

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(s) All that St. Luke fays of his fecond journey is this: And when he "bad gone over those parts, and had given them much exhortation, he came "into Greece. Acts xx. 2. All that is faid of the third journey is, that "whereas he intended to have failed from Greece into Syria, knowing that the Jews laid wait for him, he changed his mind, and paffed through Macedonia. “ ver. 3. . . . 6. At either of thefe times he might make an excurfion into Illyricum, but most probably in his fecond journey." That is a note of Mr. Bifcoe at p. 425.

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(t) "He did not go directly from Ephefus to Macedonia, that is, he did not "take shipping at Ephefus: (that was not fafe:) but efcaped by land to Troas,


Macedonia from Ephefus, but went by land to Troas, and there croffed over to Macedonia. It is evident, that before he wrote his fecond epistle to the Corinthians, from Macedonia, he had been at Troas. For 2 Cor. ii. 12. he says, he came to Troas, to preach Chrift's gofpel, and that a door was opened to him of the Lord. There is no abfurdity in fuppofing, that St. Luke, who fays nothing of Paul's having been then at Troas, and omitted the Apoftle's journey into Arabia, and indeed many other things, has omitted an account of his going to Crete and Illyricum. Wall, and others, who compute no more than nine months between Paul's leaving Ephefus, and coming to Troas, in the way to Jerufalem, may find a difficulty in admitting what we contend for. But I think, I have fhewn it to be a fpace of almost two years, or about a year and three quarters. This alone will render it probable, that fomewhat was done by Paul, befide what is mentioned by St. Luke in Acts xx. 1.... 6.


St. Paul's words in the epiftle to the Romans, writ at Corinth, in this period, are very remarkable: fo that from Jerufalem, and round about, unto Illyricum, I have fully preached the gospel of Christ.. For which caufe alfo I have been much hindered from coming unto you. But now having no more place in thefe parts, and having a great defire thefe many years to come unto you. ch. xv. 19. 22. 23. He feems now, as it were, at ease, knowing what he had done, and confidering, that there was nothing more left to be done by him in those parts. And why should not Illyricum be underftood in the fame manner, as Jerufalem? He had been at Jerufalem? and confequently, I think, in Illyricum likewife. And I should apprehend, that now was the time, when Paul could first say so much, as he here does.

Jerome had no doubt, but that Paul was in Illyricum. " Christ, fays (u) he, was with Peter at Rome, with Paul in Illyricum, with Titus in Crete." That opinion, it is likely, was built upon this text in the epiftle to the Romans. Confequently, it is to be fuppofed, that Paul had been in Illyricum, before writing that epiftle. Nor can any season be thought of more likely, than this period, between his leaving Ephefus, and coming to Troas, in the way to Jerufalem.

I fuppofe, Theodoret to be of the fame mind with us, and to confirm what we are now faying, in his comment upon Rom. xv. 19. "He (x) "fhews, to how many people he had preached: fo that from Jerufalem, "and round about unto Illyricum, I have fully preached the gospel of Chrift. "As if he had faid: I have not cultivated the nations in a ffrait line "only but going round about I have planted the doctrine of the "gospel in the Eaftern countreys, and alfo in Pontus, and like

"as he fays 2 Cor. ii. 12. and from thence took ship to Macedonia.” critical netes upon the N. T. p. 205.



(4) Erat igitur uno eodemque tempore et cum Apoftolis quadraginta diebus cum Thoma in India, cum Paulo in Illyrico, cum Tito in Creta, cum Andrea in Achaia. Ad Marcell. T. 4. P.i. p. 167. Bened.

(*) Διδάσκει δὲ καὶ πόσοις ἐκήρυξεν ἔθνεσιν . . . ἐν γὰρ τὰ κατὰ τὴν ἐυθείαν ὁδὸν παρακείμενα ἔθνη ἐγεώργησα μόνα, ἀλλὰ καὶ κύκλῳ περιών, τάτε ἑῖα, καὶ τὰ ποντικὰ μέρη, καὶ πρὸς τέτοις τὰ κατὰ ἀσίαν, καὶ τὴν θράκην, τῆς διδασκα λίας ἐπλήρωσα. Τῦτο γὰρ δηλοι τὸ κύκλῳ. Theod. in loc. Τ. 3. p. 111. 112.

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