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النشر الإلكتروني

and Saints by some churches, may yet have their affections profitably engaged, at any convenient periods, by a devotional application of those lives and examples, which have been bequeathed to the church universal.

The same sentiments of affection, respect, and duty, which prompted the author to dedicate the first edition of these "Lives" to "THE MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY WORSHIPPING AT KING'S CHAPEL," induce him to inscribe the volume in its present form to the same friends, with the hope that it may prove more deserving than before of their acceptance and approbation.


October 4, 1835.




As John the Baptist presented himself to his countrymen as the herald and precursor of Jesus, and was acknowledged by Jesus to be so, and as his history is remarkably connected with the early part of the history of our Lord, the notices which are given of him in the Scriptures possess unusual interest. It is my purpose to examine these notices in their order, so as to present, as far as the materials will permit, a continuous view of his life. This life will naturally precede the lives of those who were afterwards sent by the Messiah to publish his laws and doctrines, as John was sent from above to be his harbinger.

In the first chapter of Luke's gospel, we have an account of the particulars attending the birth of the Baptist. His father was a priest by the name of Zacharias; and his mother, whose name was Elizabeth," was of the daughters of Aaron;"


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