SUFFICE it to say of this Publication, that The AUTHOR of it is a very obscure young woman, and quite destitute of the advantages of education, as well as under great bodily affliction. Her father dying when he was young, and leaving a large family unprovided For, she went out to service at sixteen years of age; in which station she continued till August, 1772; when isorders seized her, which ever since have baffled the ower of medicine and the skill of physicians-But God, who is rich in mercy, was pleased, in love to her oul, at the beginning of the affliction, marvellously to manifest himself unto her; and has been instructing her From that time in the things pertaining to his kingdom nd the righteousness thereof, as the following poetic erformances, which are printed from the Author's own and writing (who, by the way, LEARNT HERSELF to write), do in some measure witness. But, such is her nodesty, they would never have appeared to the world her life-time, if it had not been that some months ago he thought she was actually in dying circumstances; she therefore committed them to the care of the Editor, charging him to let none see them till after her decease. -But as she appears now much more likely to live, than at the beginning of her affliction (though without any prospect of ever being able to earn her bread), he could not be easy to let them lay by any longer, "hid up in a napkin;" thinking, that the talent was given her to profit withal, and that they might, under the blessing of the most High, be of some use to others, more especially to the sons and daughters of affliction. The Reader may depend upon it, if there should be any profit arise from the sale thereof, it will be faithfully applied to the Author's use. That the blessing of him "who giveth Songs in the "Night" may make it profitable to those who are training up in the school of affliction on earth, for singing the song of Moses and the Lamb in Heaven, is the fervent prayer of "the Ni sufficient ituation of them; informed no certa! health, b advantag -so that apd, as THE EDITOR. Ipswich, Jan. 6. 1780. And, these lit the can entertain tfforts a spirit o occasion wher. o THE LATE REVEREND DOCTOR CONDER's Recommendation to the Second Edition. : TH HESE little sonnets, called Songs in "the Night," now pass under a second edition :sufficient is said in the Preface to the first, as to the situation and affecting circumstances of the Composer of them; the truth of which account I have thoroughly informed myself of; and do assure the public, she has no certainty of a tolerable support under her ill state of health, but from the donations of her friends, and the advantage she may reap from this further publication: -so that her case is truly deserving all charitable regard; and, as such, I sincerely recommend it. And, besides this, without fearing censure, I think Chese little productions deserve to be recommended to he candid, and even curious, Reader, as a pleasing entertainment for such to observe what may be the fforts of uncultivated genius, connected with a true pirit of piety. I am sensible there may be several ccasional escapes, as to her language, grammar, and ther. ornaments of exact writing, as well as some 1 instances of her county phraseology; which, however, it has been judged proper to let stand, as coming from HER pen, rather than attempt corrections in those particulars. Nevertheless, I am free to own, that I have been greatly pleased with her uniformity of sentiment, the propriety with which she useth words less common and the general smoothness of her versification. And, as to the pious Reader, I flatter myself such will be entertained profitably and pleasantly, without any thing more being said, than that the whole seems to breathe a true spirit of sublime devotion, and the subject matter is highly evangelical - A fit companion for the closet to those whose circumstances in life do not admit of much reading besides the Bible. How strang Her modesty also has been so remarkable, that the Editor of the first edition with great difficulty gained her consent to their seeing the light, without giving her name, which he could not obtain: but, as it is an indulgence to the curiosity of some Readers to know who is the writer, in this second edition she has gratified her friends by drawing up the following Acrostic: S HALL I presume to tell the world my name?- Now, if y Upon the by this Put maintain I sincere all grace endeavor! Hackne How strange! I'm deaf, and dumb, and lame and blind, Upon the whole, as I am persuaded her chief desire, by this Publication, is to assist the plain christian in in maintaining and making progress in the divine life; so I sincerely pray, that the blessing of "The God of all grace" may eminently succeed her well meant endeavor! Hackney, March 13. 1781. a 3 JOHN CONDER. |