صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

ell may I groan beneath thy stroke,
hat ails this vile, deceitful heart?
hen will my sweet release be sign'd,
here is the understanding heart,
here shall I go but to my Lord,
ho is this heavenly person, who
hy does this room so often prove
hy, Jonah, does thine anger rise?
hy, O my soul, these gloomy fears?
hy should the dread of sinful man
hy thus cast down, my soul ?
Till God be merciful to me,
ithout the aid of sovereign grace,

e highly favor'd, who profess,

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UT why, my soul, so much dispos'd to grieve? -- 144 ome, Jesus, thou Desire of Nations! come, ow active, O how num'rous are my thoughts! ow did the heavenly multitude rejoice, Thank thee, O my Father and my God,





blessed words, and welcome to my soul! solemn thought! weak man is born to die;



The time is short; how awful is the sound!
hus the apostles pray'd; and O, my soul,
p to th' eternal hills I lift my eyes,
That manly courage, what undaunted zeal
While I am call'd to reason, Lord, with thee,
Tho would not fear thee, O thou King of saints!
Thy am I not consign'd to endless woe?
Why, sin, hast thou deprav'd my nature thus?
Vith thee, thou great I AM, thou Just and wise, --






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BEHOLD the man! how humble is his mind!
But why did Martha take this load
Christian, examine well thy mind;
Did Joshua solemnly record
How welcome is this news

Is God my Father and my Friend?
Jesus, my Saviour and my Lord,
Lord, help me to come near thy seat,
Lord, I'm a faint, a feeble worm,
Lord, in thy mercy I rejoice,
Madam, I now return your little book,
O what are all the best designs
Take courage, O my soul! and rest
Thanks to thy name, thou God of love,
The garment that you gave me I admire,
The law of God is just,

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Thus Ruth receiv'd the kindness of her friend,

'Tis with a grateful view I retire,

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Songs in the Night.




APID my days and months run on, How soon another year is gone! How swift my golden moments roll, How much neglected by my soul!

Let me begin with holy fear
This new, this fleeting, flying year:
Too many unimprov'd have pass'd,
This year, perhaps, may be my last.

Give me, great God, an heart to pray;
Let all old things be done away;
Give me new strength to conquer sin,
and plant new holiness within.

ask new wisdom for this year,
Tew fitness for my trials here;
f every grace a richer store,
My God to love and honor more.

This year, O sheath war's direful sword! et every nation serve the LORD: isit thy church, and may she bear uch glorious fruit this blessed year.

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Angels thy Majesty adore,

And devils tremble at thy power.

2 O thou, Most Holy, Wise, Supreme,
Just to revenge, strong to redeem!
Enlarge our hearts before thy throne,
While o'er a guilty land we mourn.

3 A land of violence and strife,
Regardless of a peaceful life;
A land whose guilt for vengeance cries,
Full of oppression, vice, and lies.

4 O thou, whose condescending grace
Shines glorious in a Saviour's face,
Now, for his sake, bow down thine ear,
Avert the judgments that we fear.

5 O thou, whose goodness we've abus'd!
Whose love and mercy we've refus'd,
Guilty before thy face we stand,
And ask forgiveness at thine hand.

6 O thou, whose wisdom's all divine!
No counsel stands so firm as thine;
Thou God of order and of peace
Command this dreadful war to cease.

7 Bring the contending parties near,
And reconcile us in thy fear;
That we may yet securely rest,
A nation by Jehovah blest,

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the Morning will I direct my Prayer unto thee, and will look up.-Psalm v. 3.

How should the morning of my days,
Be spent in humble prayer and praise
To Him who gave me life and breath,
and still preserves my soul from death.
od has from sleep restor'd my sight,
Il praise him for the morning light:
or his protecting grace I'll pray,
To guard and keep me all the day.

Il still resolve to seek his face,
nd praise him for redeeming grace;
love his name, I love his word,
love to commune with the Lord.

p to his throne I'll lift my eyes,
e will regard my early cries:
e will not frown my soul away,
e loves to hear his children pray.

him I'll dedicate my days,
men shall I prosper in my ways:
nd whilst my calling I pursue
Es praise shall terminate my view.

may his condescending love
ill draw my heart to things above;
hat I among his saints may know
e joys of heaven begun below.

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