1 Arise, s Attend, THE Reader will perceive by the preceding Preface and Recommendation, that this Work was twice printed during the life of the Author, for her benefit. After her decease, a Supplement and an interesting description of a remarkable Scene in her Life, were added: since which EIGHT or NINE editions have been published in England; and the present is the second American. rd, captivate my every thought, rd, I confess my guilt and shame, rd, is not this my one desire, rd, is it not my soul's desire rd, search and try this heart of mine, rd, 'tis enough, at length I own rd, what am I without thy love? God, for I can call thee mine, God, how restless is my mind! life declines, my strength is gone, soul, what dost thou here? w let me from this world retire, w let my faith look through her fears, Could I find some peaceful bower |