صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


counsel thee to buy of me Gold, tried in the Fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white Raiment, that thou mayest be clothed; and anoint thine Eyes with Eye-salve, that thou mayest see. Revelations iii. 18.

ARISE, my soul, to Jesus fly,

And cast thy fears away;
He will thine every want supply,
Make haste, no longer stay.

Look how he stands and smiles to give
His glory and his grace;

He counsels sinners to receive

His robe of righteousness.

Jesus the purest gold appoints
T' enrich the humble poor;
Who with his heavenly salve anoints
In darkness walks no more.

Ye drooping souls that seek the Lord,
Take courage and believe,
For God is faithful to his word,
Great grace you shall receive.

The wretched, destitute, and blind
Are those whom Christ invite,
A friend in him they're sure to find
Whose power is infinite.

jesus, do th Remove



My Soul longeth, yea, even fainteth for the Courts of the
Lord.-Psalm lxxxiv. 2.

1 My God, how restless is my mind!
Pensive I lie from day to day,
And, loth to be so much confin'd,
I sigh my lonely hours away.

2 'Tis for thy courts, O Lord, I long;
When shall I in thy house appear?
When shall I join the waiting throng,
And mix in humble worship there?

3 I'd praise thee for the meanest place,
To stand as waiter at thy gate;
Could I but there behold thy face,
I'd think the favor truly great.

4 I long to tread that happy ground
Where oft my soul has richly fed;
To hear the gospel's joyful sound,
To taste substantial, living bread.

5 There have I often left my fears,
When I have gone o'erwhelm'd with grief;
There have I left my wants and cares,
And in returning sung relief.

6 But now I'm left at home to mourn,
While in thy courts thy saints rejoice;
I pass my sabbaths quite alone,
In sad complaints I spend my voice.

That I may

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Jesus, do thou my strength renew;
Remove my weakness, heal my pain,

That I may serve and praise thee too,
O bring me to thy house again!

O bring thyself thy graces near,

And teach my soul to wait thy will; Then shall I serve and praise thee here, And own thee just and righteous still,




WHERE shall I go but to my Lord,

Who bled and died that I might live;

O let me now attend his word,

He has eternal life to give,


Come, blessed Spirit, and confine
My meditations on his love;
That I may sing of grace divine,
And worship him like those above.
My thoughts from trifling objects turn,
Give me the conquest over pride;
O may I look on him and mourn!
For him I pierc'd and crucified,

O for the eye of faith, to see
My Saviour in his priestly dress;
As hanging on the accursed tree,
To work my robe of righteousness.

S Enter, my soul, his gates with praise, And thankfully adore his name Whose mercy lengthens out thy days,

Whose love to thee is still the same.

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There is at Ferusalem a Pool which is called Bethesda.

John v. 2.

10 COULD I to Jerus'lem go,


And reach Bethesda's pool,
There the afflicted left their woe,
The wounded were made whole:

2 In vain my wretched unbelief
Might thus for ever sigh;
Christ is the source of all relief,
That source is ever nigh.

3 See how his blood divine doth flow,
How plentiful and pure;
I need not to Jerus'lem go,
To seek a better cure.

4 Here is a fountain deep and wide,
A fountain rich and free;

With healing virtue well supplied,
For sinners such as me.

5 Now let me rise and praise his name,
And plunge into this flood;
I need not wash in Jordan's stream,
While here are streams of blood.

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This is a Pool of high renown,

Its virtue is most sure;

Come, sinners, plunge directly down,
Receive an instant cure.


Prepare to meet thy GOD!-Amos iv. 12.

My life declines, my strength is gone,
Disease and pains prevail;
Death threatens to arrest me soon,

My heart and flesh doth fail.

Soon must I leave this body here,
Soon must my soul away;
O awful thought!-my soul, prepare
For that tremendous day!

Soon must I pass the solemn test,
How soon, my judge can tell !
When he with smiles shall call me blest,
Or frown me down to hell.

how shall I prepare my heart
Eternal life to gain!

ESUS, thy grace, thy strength impart,
Or all I do is vain.

cannot for one sin atone,-
I swell with pride no more:
All the best duties I have done
I've reason to deplore.

Tesus, on thee alone I lean,
Do thou my soul prepare;
☐ cleanse my heart from every sin,
And fix thy dwelling there.

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