صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Lord, take and keep my wand'ring heart,
Let me no more from thee depart;
That I no more may feel thy frown,
Nor tempt, nor force thine anger down.


essed are the peor in Spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.-Matthew v. 3.

COME, each desponding, drooping soul,
You who desire to seek the Lord,
Whose thoughts in sad dejection roll,
Who tremble at his awful word.

Come, banish ev'ry slavish fear,
Let satan flee, for God is true:
Let unbelief no more appear:
This promise is for such as you.
For you that trust in Jesu's name;
For you that mourn your helplessness;
Vho see your poverty and shame,
And all your sins with grief confess.

esus himself proclaims you blest,
His word for ever stands secure;
ou on his faithfulness may rest,
His love forever shall endure.

live by faith in him alone, Jesus will lead you safely through elieve and hope, as well as mourn, Himself hath taken care for you.

6 For you he pleads his precious blood,
For you, the favorites of heav'n!-
Lift up your heads, ye sons of God!
Sing, for your sins are all forgiv'n.

Let us run wit looking


Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprisings thou understandest my Thoughts afar off. -Psalm cxxxix. 2

1 Thou art acquainted with my heart,

O thou Omniscient God!

Thou know'st my ev'ry wand'ring thought,
What devious paths I've trod.

2 O 'tis in vain for me to try

My num'rous thoughts to screen;
No sin escapes thy searching eye,
Unnotic'd or unseen.

3 Then let me call my follies o'er,
And mourn before the Lord,
That I have liv'd to him no more,
No more obey'd his word.

4 Lord, smite the flinty rock within,
And let my sorrows flow;
And whilst I mourn and hate my sin,
Do thou thy mercy shew.

5 O bring a pardon to my hand,
A pardon bought with blood;
And may I never more offend,
Nor sin against my God.

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Let us run with Patience the Race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus.-Hebrews xii. 1, 2.

ORD, can a helpless worm like me,
_ttempt to make her way to thee?
es, let me raise thy praises high,
a weakness thou canst strength supply,

Twas by thy grace I first begun,
esolv'd the heavenly race to run;
Cis grace corrects me when I stray,
Tis grace upholds me in the way.

un on, my soul, and still adore,
eceiving still, still asking more;
Christ thy strength and wisdom lies,
look to him with stedfast eyes.

ook to that blood thy Saviour shed,
Thy Daysman dying in thy stead;
ehold him on th' accursed tree!
reat was the love he bore to thee.
e who thus lov'd thee unto death
ill love thee to thy latest breath;
Leep sight of him, my soul, and run,
Ce'll crown thee when thy race is done.


Draw me, we will run after thee. Canticles i. 4.

ORD, I confess my guilt and shame,

Which separates my soul from thee;

et the remembrance of thy name Is dear, supremely dear to me.

2 Break down the separating wall,
O rid me of this earthly mind,
My soul would soon obey the call,
And run and leave her fears behind.

3 Jesus, allure me by thy grace,

Why should I grovel in the dust? Thee would my arms of faith embrace, Thou art the object of my trust.

4. Draw me from unbelief and pride,
From every sin, from every snare;
Fain would I in thy chambers hide,
And banish ev'ry mortal care.

5 With thee, my Lord, I would retire,
And spend the remnant of my days:
Draw me, I burn with strong desire,
Draw me, and I will sing thy praise.

6 Draw me, my Jesus, with thy love,
I cannot bear thine awful frown;
O draw my heart and soul above,
And let me tread the tempter down!

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Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy Name give
Glory.-Psalm cxv. 1.

1 LORD, 'tis enough, at length I own,
By me no good was ever done;
O let thy dark, mysterious ways
Excite my gratitude and praise,


mercy thou hast hid thy face,
■ mercy too restrain'd thy grace,
Celpless I lay beneath the rod,
Tor could I speak or think of God.

sent the Spirit griev'd away,
Tor could I meditate or pray,
Vithout my Teacher and my Guide,
Tourning, I laid thy word aside.

ut, O my soul, adore the grace,
esus again unveils his face!
lory no more in meaner things,
him alone are all thy springs.

Tow I can read and pray again;
an contemplate, or use my pen;
Cow I can see each heavenly thought
s by the Holy Spirit brought.

Tot unto me reward is due,

The work is God's, the glory too:

Not unto me," is still my song,

To God alone all praise belong.


By Grace are ye saved.-Ephesians ii. 8.

To more of works I vainly boast,

Nor so employ my tongue;

esus alone is all my trust,

Free grace my only song.

Twas not in me to seek his face,
Nor did I ask his love,
Till he by his all-powerful grace
First drew my thoughts above.

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