The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?-Jeremiah xvii. 9.
1 This wretched heart will still backslide, O what deceit is treasured here! 'Tis made of vanity and pride; What fruits of unbelief appear!
2 My base ingratitude I mourn,
My stubborn will, my earthly mind, My thoughts how vain, to rove how prone, To ev'ry evil how inclin'd!
3 Who can, amongst the sons of men, Find out the vileness of my heart? None can the depths of guilt explain, 'Tis all corrupt through every part.
4 Could creatures look into my breast, How would they gaze with strange surprize! They'd hate me with a sore detest, And turn away their frighted eyes.
But what are creatures, Lord, to thee! They can't forgive one single sin,
Were they dispos'd to pity me, They could not work one grace within.
To Jesus then I'll make my moan, O cleanse this filthy sink of sin! Jesus, thou canst, and thou alone, O condescend to make me clean.
I plead for mercy at thy feet,
Make me inflexibly sincere; Purge me from guile, from all deceit, And fill my soul with holy fear.
ord be merciful unto me, heal my Soul, for I have sinned
against thee.-Psalm xli. 4.
WILL God be merciful to me,
And hear my soul complain ? Shall I indeed his goodness see, Or must I pray in vain?
No, let this thought for ever fly, God will in mercy hear: In mercy answer when I cry, Nor disregard my prayer.
Lord, let thy mercy now appear, And calm my troubled mind; Proclaim thyself before me here, "GOD, merciful and kind!"
4 O heal my sick and wounded soul,
Physician only good!
One word of thine can make me whole, One drop of Jesu's blood.
5 Forgive my guilt, for I have sinn'd, I'm vile in every part; Heal the diseases of my mind, And renovate my heart.
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Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me, for my Soul trusteth in thee. - Psalm lvii. 1.
2 Guilty before thy face I stand, And fear thy sin-avenging hand; Hell as my just desert I own, But mercy pleads before thy throne,
3 Mercy, through Jesus crucified, I ask, and can I be denied? Mercy, O God, I ask no more,- Thrust not my soul from mercy's door.
4 O God, as powerful as just, In thee, in thee alone I trust: Vain does the help of man appear; Vain is the help of angels here!
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Nothing will give my spirit rest, Fill pard'ning mercy makes me blest : Behold I faint beneath thy frown, Send, send the cheering cordial down.
O thou of little Faith, wherefore didst thou doubt ? Matthew xiv. 31.
COME, O my doubting soul, attend Unto thy Saviour's call,
Come tell thy Great, Almighty Friend, Why is thy faith so small?
Why all these unbelieving fears?
Jehovah's arm is strong :
O chide these sighs, and groans, and tears, And turn them to a song.
Is God thy shield, thy great reward, Thy Portion, and thy All?
Is Christ thy Captain, and thy Lord, And shall thy hopes be small?
Why wilt thou thus dispute his love, And thus abuse his care?
Why wilt thou grieve the heavenly Dove, And yield to every snare?
In Jesus every grace is found,
Why wilt thou not believe? He hath a balm for every wound, Why wilt thou not receive?
6 His arm can conquer ev'ry foe, His grace can sanctify: Amen, amen; Lord, be it so, Let my corruptions die.
7 Sin is the cause of ev'ry fear, O keep me from its power; Slay the accursed monster here, That I may doubt no more.
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His Anger endureth but a Moment, in his Favour is Life. -Weeping may endure for a Night, but Foy cometh in the Morning. Psalm xxx. 5, 6.
1 THINE anger, Lord, how short the stay, Slowly it comes, and flies away Swift as the darkness of the night, When morning brings the cheering light. 2 My soul again shall bless thy name, Whose power and love are still the same; Yea, through thine awful frowns I trace Unutterable plans of grace.
3 Too oft have I transgress'd thy law, And forc'd thy Spirit to withdraw; I mourn:-again thy love appears To heal my wounds, disperse my fears.
4 My God, thou art immensely kind, Life in thy favor still I find; Thy love is an exhaustless store, O let me grieve nor doubt no more.
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