صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

He seeks to know himself aright,
As seen in his Creator's sight;
He seeks repentance for his sins;
Tis here true wisdom first begins.

Earnest he seeks Jehovah's face,
And longs to feel the power of grace;
He shuns the sins he lov'd before,
And strives to hate them more and more.

He seeks for pardon through the blood
Of Jesus, the incarnate God;
He seeks that faith which works by love,
This is the wisdom from above.

He seeks to prove his faith sincere,
And guards his soul with holy fear;
He seeks to be approv'd of God,
And loves to spread his praise abroad.
This is the knowledge he requires;
And God will grant his pure desires;
Tesus will bless him from the skies,
And make him to salvation wise.


ssed are they which do hunger and thirst after Righteousness, for they shall be filled.-Matthew v. 6.

THIS promise is to sinners made,

To sinners such as me:

Lord, I would come and humbly plead

This promise now with thee.


2 1 see my heart is all unclean,
Its hardness oft I mourn;

I thirst for holiness within,
For perfect love I burn.

3 How are my wand'ring thoughts bewail'd, How odious in my sight;

When shall my spirit be regal'd
With pure, divine delight.

4 Fain would I love my Saviour more,
And live upon his word;
I would believe, I would adore,
And banquet with the Lord.

5 My hungry spirit longs to feed
On truth and righteousness;
I am all emptiness and need,
Lord, fill me with thy grace.

6 O, Fount of Excellence, draw near,
Or bear my soul above,
That I may feast on heavenly fare,
And triumph in thy love.

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These Things I command you, that ye love one another.

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Fain would I love his person more,
And God in all his works adore;

may his love my heart inflame With love to all that love his name.

Wherever I his image see,
let those souls be dear to me!
Dear, as the purchase of his blood,
Dear, as the favorites of God.

esus to us his love doth shew,
And bids us love each other too;
But O how little love sincere
s found in great professors here!
Vhat anger, pride, and malice swell
Those breasts where love alone should dwell!
• why should satan thus devour
Religion's glory and its power?

ome, heavenly Spirit, from above,
Ind fill our inmost hearts with love:
hat we may say to all mankind,

See how those love whom Christ has join'd."


e thou faithful unto Death, and I will give thee a Crown of Life.-Revelations ii. 10.

ORD, is not this my one desire,
That I may faithful prove?
1 fight with sin, and never tire,
Till death my soul remove.

2 The easy work that I have here
I faithfully would do;
And when the hardest tasks appear,
I would be faithful too.

3 Jesus, enrich my soul with grace,
And guide me in thy ways;
That I may fill my humble place
To thine eternal praise.

4 I'd do and suffer all thy will
With patience and delight;
Duty to all I would fulfil,
By all I'd fain do right.
5 Faithful I'd lay this body down,
And yield it to the grave:
Faithful I'd rise, and take the crown,
And sing thy power to save.

Labor to p
In purity a
Let all you

The truth

Look up to
To purchas
His grace

And help

0 love and
And let his

Se shall yo
And glory

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1 Ye highly favor'd, who profess
To love and practise holiness,
You stand expos'd to earth and hell,
And seriousness becomes you well.


Let no corrupt Communication proceed out of your Mouth.

Ephesians iv. 29.

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To me ar

If God

Labor to prove your faith sincere,
In purity and holy fear;
Let all your conduct still express
The truth and pow'r of godliness.

Look up to him whose blood was spilt
To purchase pardon for your guilt;
His grace can all your sins subdue,
And help you both to will and do.

O love and reverence his name,
And let his giory be your aim:
So shall your souls escape distress,
And glory in his righteousness.


Take thy Face to shine upon thy Servant.---Psalm xxxi. 16.

LORD, what am I without thy love?

Without thy smiles I cannot rest;
Shine, Light Effulgent, from above,
And with a word pronounce me blest.
Break through the darkness of my mind,
And drive the powers of hell away;
I cannot bear to be confin'd,

My spirit longs for brighter day.
Nothing will please me but thy smile;
Not all the wealth this earth afford
Can give my soul contentment, while
I find such distance from the Lord.
Favor of princes and of kings,
The smiles of angels from on high,
To me are mean, insipid things,
If God in anger pass me by.


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