صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of Hypocrisy and Iniquity.-Matthew

xxiii. 28.

1 DECEIVERS will affect t' appear
Like something good and great;
Religion as a cloak they wear,
And think themselves complete.

2 Against impiety and vice

They will exclaim aloud;
In lesser things how strict and nice!
That men may call them coOD.

3 Amongst the saints they'll join in prayer,
With looks demure and grave;
Devoutly read when men can hear,
And think each duty brave.

4 But O their hearts are all unclean,
All filthy and impure,
Full of hypocrisy and sin;

There satan reigns secure.

5 Strange to themselves, estrang'd from God,
How awful is their state!

Soon must they feel his vengeful rod:-
What woes their souls await!

6 Tremble, my soul, with holy fear,
And dread deceit and guile;
Lord, make this heart of mine sincere,
Obedient to thy will.

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e Fear of the Lord is to bate Evil-Proverbs viii. 18.

Now, whilst I try my heart
By this unerring word,
My conscience can assert

I truly fear the Lord:
I cannot tread the paths of sin,
I long for holiness within.

Yes, holiness of heart

I would more largely share;

I mourn with inward smart
The evils that are there:

I hate my thoughts, because they're vain,
I would from ev'ry sin abstain.

I hate this wretched pride,
These covetous desires;
I'd have them crucified,
For God my heart requires:
Jesus do thou these foes subdue,
Make me still more sincere and true.

I'd live alone to thee,

I love t' obey thy word,
Well pleas'd that thou shouldst be
My Saviour and my Lord.
To thee I now resign my heart,
Renew it, Lord, in ev'ry part.


Love your Enemies; bless them that curse you; do good to them that hate you.-Matthew v. 44.

1 Lord, captivate my ev'ry thought,
I'll then delight to do thy will;
I love the doctrines thou hast taught,
And they shall lead and guide me still.

2 For thy dear sake I love my foes,

And seek their happiness with care;
I fain would do some good to those
Whose hatred unprovok'd I bear.

3 While they revile my worthless name,
Do thou defeat each base design;
And, lest their malice end in shame,
Their anger turn to love benign.

4 Bring them, O Jesus, to thy throne,

Let them thy pard'ning mercy prove,
To them thy glorious self make known,
And set their hearts on things above.

5 Bless them with ev'ry christian grace,
Inspire their souls with holy joy;
So shall their wrath to love give place,
And nobler thoughts their minds employ.

6 Be this my sweet revenge on those
Whose envy treads me in the dust:
I'd dwell in peace with all my foes,
My friends I'd seek among the just.

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liberal Soul shall be made fat, and be that watereth, shall be watered also himself.-Proverbs xi. 25.

HRISTIAN, wouldst thou in grace excel,
Wouldst thou enlarge thy store?
se what thou hast with liberal zeal,
And God will give thee more.
et not thy sacred talents lie
Conceal'd beneath the ground,
at bless thy fellow-christians by
The treasures thou hast found.
mfort the feeble and oppress'd
With tokens of thy love;
men shall thy soul be well refresh'd,
And water'd from above.

ew kind affection, special care,
To the afflicted poor,

ve freely what thou hast to spare, And God will give thee more. ne liberal heart, the liberal hand Jehovah deigns to bless:

such he will most surely stand, And keep them from distress.


A certain Centurion's Servant was dear unto him.

Luke vii. 2.

RACE will to every duty bind,

It forms the hearts of men sincere,

sweetly humbles all the mind,

And then in acts it will appear.

2 It makes themeanest servant just,
Willing, obedient, wise, discreet,
Worthy of confidence and trust,
And diligent without deceit.
3 Was the Centurion's servant such,
Who won his master for his friend?
Yes, or he'd ne'er been loy'd so much:----
What blessings faithful souls attend!

4 He sought the honor of his God,
Approv'd his station and his fare;
The paths of honesty he trod,
His Lord's good pleasure his chief care,

5 Ye that are servants, seek for grace,
If to your masters you'd be dear;
And thus fill up your humble place,
Serve them in faith with holy fear.

6 Labor while heaven allows you strength,
Let all your work to God be done;
A sure reward shall come at length,
When faithfully your race is run.

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The Heart of him that bath Understanding seeketh Know-
ledge.-Proverbs xv. 14.

1 WHERE is the understanding heart
That seeks to act the wiser part?
What is the knowledge he requires ?
What are the things his soul desires?

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