= Pray then for pardon now, For faith, in faith I'll pray, This glorious promise plead, And God, through Christ, will soon convey XLI. Though the Lord be high, yet bath be Respect unto the HIGH in the heavens doth God reside, His condescension he displays, Their purest offerings to approve; 5 Then they in dust confess their sin, 6 Then God his sov'reign grace displays, 7 To such he looks with tender care, XLII. Walk circumspectly, not as Fools, but as Wise. Ephesians v. 15. 1 This blessing, Lord, to me impart, O make me circumspect in heart! My soul's interior powers defile. 2 O make me wise celestial Dove*! 3 May grace divine be still supplied, My soul's Director, Guardian, Guide, In all the labors I attend. * Addressed to the Holy Ghost, of which the Dove is Sëribtural emblem. I want that lively zeal for God Jesus, do thou direct my walk, I'd leave the prating fool to boast, XLIII. To be carnally-minded is Death, but to be spiritually. minded is Life and Peace-Romans viii. 6. By holiness and watchful care, Be vain desire confin'd; Guard, O my soul, against this snare, This will be death to all thy joys, Satan would triumph in the sight, Then must I mourn in gloomy night, Till Jesus brings me thence. for invigorating grace Peace, constant then, serene and full, Would like a river flow: Courage divine would arm my soul, How would my faith triumphant rise, The world in vain should tempt me down, I'd aim at nearness to the throne, For my Redeemer's there. Descend, immortal Dove, descend, Till heav'n completes my day. Shall I offend Hard is the ta must obey Hark! O my "I will d While mo XLIV. Be not afraid of their Faces, for I am with thee. Jeremiah i. 8. 1 WHY should the dread of sinful man Insnare and vex my soul? for that fortitude which can My ev'ry fear controal. "I'll smi "And thou "While "Trust the "Nor le Thy soul Whils Lord, I re Thy wis Iyield to And let mall I offend a holy God, And sacrifice my peace, o shun a mortal's threat'ning rod; A friend or two to please? ard is the task, I must confess, Where duty thus confines; or can my soul escape distress Though she to God inclines. ain would I please both friends and foes, And follow peace with all, must obey the God I love, ark! O my soul, methinks I hear Jehovah's awful voice, Fear not, thou worm, for I am near, " I will defend thy choice. While mortal men revile and frown "I'll smile upon thy soul; And thou shalt tread the tempter down, " While I his rage controul. Trust thou in my almighty name, ord, I resign me to thy will, |