صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

= Pray then for pardon now,
And sin-subduing grace;
For strength intreat, and wisdom too,
So shall you each embrace.

For faith, in faith I'll pray,

This glorious promise plead,

And God, through Christ, will soon convey
The blessings which I need.


Though the Lord be high, yet bath be Respect unto the
Lowly.-Psalm cxxxviii. 6.

HIGH in the heavens doth God reside,
None can his perfect beauty trace;
His glory shines on every side,
Before him angels veil their face.

His condescension he displays,

Their purest offerings to approve;
How then should it our wonder raise,-
Mortals are call'd to share his love!
Mortals who have so oft rebell'd
Against the offers of his grace;
His threat'nings at defiance held,
And dare the Almighty to his face.
Yet strange! all gracious, from above
God stoops, to bring such rebels nigh,
Allures them with the cords of love,
And shews them where their help doth lie.

5 Then they in dust confess their sin,
Believe, and tremble at his word;
They mourn their natures all unclean,
Repent, and turn unto the Lord.

6 Then God his sov'reign grace displays,
Flies o'er the mountains of their guilt,
And pardons all their sinful ways,
Through Jesus' blood on Calvary spilt.

7 To such he looks with tender care,
And stamps his image on their heart:
happy souls! his love they share,
Nor shall his favor e'er depart.


Walk circumspectly, not as Fools, but as Wise.

Ephesians v. 15.

1 This blessing, Lord, to me impart,

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O make me circumspect in heart!
Let not hypocrisy and guile,

My soul's interior powers defile.

2 O make me wise celestial Dove*!
Wise as a sharer in thy love;
Wise to believe and trust thy word,
To hoitor jesus as my Lord.

3 May grace divine be still supplied,

My soul's Director, Guardian, Guide,
Lord, let thy honor be my end

In all the labors I attend.

* Addressed to the Holy Ghost, of which the Dove is Sëribtural emblem.

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I want that lively zeal for God
Which loves to spread his praise abroad;
Let this, and not the praise of men,
Inspire my Muse, and guide my pen.

Jesus, do thou direct my walk,
Inspire my thoughts, dictate my talk;
O give me faith and holy fear,
Make ev'ry act of mine sincere.

I'd leave the prating fool to boast,
Let me lie humbled in the dust.
Lord, keep me ever at thy feet,
I'll freely chuse the lowest seat.


To be carnally-minded is Death, but to be spiritually. minded is Life and Peace-Romans viii. 6.

By holiness and watchful care,

Be vain desire confin'd;

Guard, O my soul, against this snare,
A carnal, earthly mind.

This will be death to all thy joys,
'Twill give new life to pain;
Twill cause distressing fears to rise,
And wound thy Lord again.

Satan would triumph in the sight,
And chain me down to sense:

Then must I mourn in gloomy night,

Till Jesus brings me thence.

for invigorating grace
To raise my soul above;
O for that heavenly-mindedness
That satan cannot move!

Peace, constant then, serene and full,

Would like a river flow:

Courage divine would arm my soul,
And bear down ev'ry foe.

How would my faith triumphant rise,
And leave the world behind;
How would I soar above the skies,
And scorn to be confin'd.

The world in vain should tempt me down,
I'd laugh at ev'ry snare:

I'd aim at nearness to the throne,

For my Redeemer's there.

Descend, immortal Dove, descend,
And bear my heart away;
Let life and peace my soul attend,

Till heav'n completes my day.

Shall I offend
And sacrific
To shun a inc
A friend or

Hard is the ta
Where dut
Yor can my s
Though she
Tain would I
And follow
Ker to one fr
But where

must obey
Though al
One smile fr
The riches

Hark! O my
"Fear not,

"I will d

While mo


Be not afraid of their Faces, for I am with thee.

Jeremiah i. 8.

1 WHY should the dread of sinful man

Insnare and vex my soul?

for that fortitude which can

My ev'ry fear controal.

"I'll smi

"And thou


"Trust the

"Nor le

Thy soul


Lord, I re

Thy wis

Iyield to

And let

mall I offend a holy God,

And sacrifice my peace,

o shun a mortal's threat'ning rod;

A friend or two to please?

ard is the task, I must confess,

Where duty thus confines;

or can my soul escape distress

Though she to God inclines.

ain would I please both friends and foes,

And follow peace with all,
or to one frown myself expose,
But where 'tis duty's call.

must obey the God I love,
Though all the world contemns;
me smile from him I prize above
The richest earthly gems.

ark! O my soul, methinks I hear Jehovah's awful voice,

Fear not, thou worm, for I am near, " I will defend thy choice.

While mortal men revile and frown "I'll smile upon thy soul;

And thou shalt tread the tempter down, " While I his rage controul.

Trust thou in my almighty name,
"Nor let thy faith be weak;
Thy soul shall ne'er be put to shame,
"Whilst thou my glory seek."-

ord, I resign me to thy will,
Thy wisdom I adore!
yield to thee:-thy word fulfil
And let me doubt no more.

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