4 He comes to make his justice known, To vindicate his word;
The guilty view him on his throne, And wail before the Lord.
5 Till now they never sought his face, Nor wept for sin before; O how tremendous is their case!- They weep to laugh no more.
6 Once they despis'd his glorious name, And set at naught his worth; But now they feel, with bitter shame, His fierce, vindictive wrath.
? They now behold the saints rejoice, And mount above the skies;
These praise the Lamb, with cheerful voice, And triumph as they rise.
3 Yes, and my soul shall bear her part In their melodious song,
My Saviour's grace shall tune my heart, His love inspire my tongue.
God forbid that I should glory, save in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Gal. vi. 14.
1 LET others, wrapt in self-conceit, Boast in their wisdom and their wit. Let them extol their gold and dross, I'll glory in my Saviour's cross.
While the self-righteous, blind and rude, Cry up their native rectitude, I'll seek revenge on all my pride, And boast in Jesus crucified.
While they, with curses on their heads, Talk of their justice and their deeds,
chuse to sit at Jesu's feet, And self-abasement is my seat.
Hither I'm brought by sov'reign grace, bless the means, and love the place; bid all earthly joys be gone, And glory in my Lord alone.
Here could I tarry night and day,
Here could my soul for ever stay; ■ may I never, never rove, Tor glory, save in Jesu's love!
the Cause that is too hard for you, bring unto me, and
I will hear it. - Deut. i. 17.
URN, O my soul, from Moses turn, Behold a greater far is here, he God of Moses!-of him learn, In all things him obedient hear. s-the great God vouchsafes t' invite His servants to his throne of grace, ith words which surely must delight The souls of all that seek his face.
3 "Freely,"-methinks he says,-" make known "Your difficulties all to me;
"I'll meet and bless you at my throne,
" I'll hear and answer ev'ry plea.
4 "What! have you broke my righteous laws! "And are you overcome with fear? "Is guilt, that most distressing cause, "Too grievous for your souls to bear? 5 "With this approach, your mighty God, "I'll hear your suit whene'er you pray: "Yes, and my own all-powerful blood, "Shall wash your load of guilt away. 6 "I never intercede in vain,
"Although I intercede for all; " I hear, well pleas'd, when souls complain "Of sin, and for forgiveness call."-
7 O what encouragement for thee, My poor, desponding, drooping soul! Hear, and by faith to Jesus flee, And he will all thy fears controul.
Look unto me and be ye saved.-Isaiah xlv. 22. 1 Look unto me, -the Saviour cries,- Behold, in me your help is found; Look, sinners! look with stedfast eyes, I have a balm for every wound.
2 Look unto me, and me alone, Look now, while I inviting stand Your Advocate before the throne, With life eternal in my hand.
To me your sin-sick souls resign, I'll save them from the lowest hell, All power in heaven and earth is mine, And in my presence they shall dwell,
Le mourning souls that fear my name,
I've heard your groans, I've seen your tears, Look up to me!-I bore your shame, And I forbid your gloomy fears.
Look, saints! look, sinners! and adore; I am your Prophet, Priest, and King; Look, and be joyful evermore;
Look, and complete salvation sing,
careful for nothing, but in every Thing by Prayer and Supplication, with Thanksgiving, let your Requests be nade known unto God.-Philippians iv. 6.
LET all my anxious cares be gone,
Why should they now disturb my breast? My soul, confide in God alone, And in his gracious promise rest. There is a rich, a full supply,
In the broad cov'nant of his love; Then let my groans ascend on high, To bring the blessings from above.
O for a heart that loves to pray, That loves to converse with the Lord; Fain would I cast my fears away, And live by faith upon his word.
And all Things whatsoever ye shall ask in Prayer, believing, ye shall receive-Matthew xxi. 22.
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