صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

When I can take believing views
Of his mysterious ways,

I can each murmuring thought refuse,
And celebrate his praise.

Contented then I can resign

To trouble, loss, or shame,
Convinc'd all things for good combine,
To those that love his name.

Clové and fain would love him more,
Whatever woes assail;

All things subserve his sov'reign power,
His wisdom cannot fail.

When, thou Desire of Nations, when
Shall I have this request :
To sigh no more, no more to sin,
But in thy presence rest?


= Lord killeth and maketh alive; be bringeth down to the Grave, and bringeth up.-1 Sam. ii. 6.

TREMBLE, my soul, fall down before
ehovah, infinite in power!
Tremble before Eternal Might,
To flesh may glory in his sight.

Tis he that animates thy clay;
Life, death, and hell his voice obey:
Tis he destroys, 'tis he can save;
Tis he that rescues from the grave.

3 He wounds, and he alone can heal;
He sends and cures the pains I feel
'Tis God, and I'll adore his name,
Whose power revives my dying frame.

4 Justice afflicts, and love relieves,
My soul from him her help receives
From him all comforts we derive;
Faith he bestows and keeps alive.

5 Faith can perceive, in darkest hour,
Eternal wisdom join'd with pow'r,
Justice go hand in hand with grace,
And truth and mercy keep one pace.

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Awake, O Sword, against my Shepherd, against the Man that is my Fellow, saith the Lord of Hosts -Zech. xiii. 7.

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"Him vengeance shall pursue, "For man he must atone;

"To justice what is due

"His blood can pay alone. - He shall my righteous law fulfil; - He shall accomplish all my will."

The Lord of Hosts commands;
The Eternal Father spoke:
All heaven in silence stands

While Jesus bears the stroke. ee, guilty mortals! see, his side or you was pierc'd! for you he died.

Draw near th' accursed tree,
In wonder lost, that love
Could rise to that degree,-

Your sentence to remove!
With weeping eyes his sorrows view,
Ce groan'd, he bled, he died for you.

O let him have your hearts,
Your blessings shall increase
To his he still imparts

Both righteousness and peace. is grace shall all your sins subdue, e groan'd, he bled, he died for you,

Bought by his precious blood, You are no more your own; Give up yourselves to God, And live to him alone: sus will bear you conq'rors through, groan'd, he bled, he died for you.

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God thundereth marvelously with his Voice.
Job xxxvił. 5.

1 The rain descends, the tempests rise,
My soul, his majesty adore!

Jehovah's voice sounds through the skies,

While lightnings flash, and thunders roar.



Awake, y

And vie

He comes

With th

His glory

Shall se

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I sit becalm'd while others fear,
The God of Thunder is my all;
It is my Father's voice I hear,
Nor shall I by his thunder fall.
No: while his lightnings flash around,
Although the earth's foundations move,
I stand secure on Faith's firm ground,
I rest in his unchanging love.

Nothing shall fright my soul from God,
Should he the skies this moment rend =
He is my only safe abode:

My Rock, my Refuge, and my Friend.


old, he cometh with Clouds, and every Eye shall su bim. Rev. i. 7.

EHOLD, he comes, the Saviour comes,
Dress'd in his bright array,

wake, ye saints, and burst your tombs,
And view the glorious day.

e comes, attended from on high
With thousands, through the skies;
is glory shines; and every eye
Shall see him with surprize.

, in the clouds the Judge descends
With his illustrious train,
nners he severs from his friends,
And dooms to endless pain.

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