5 Now in the strength of God I'll go, 6 May Jesus own me in that day, 7 The worthy Lamb that shed his blood. XV. Unless thy Law bad been my Delight, I should then have perished in mine Affliction.-Psalm cxix. 92. 1 God and his law are my delight, My glory and my song; My sure support by day and night, The pleasure of my tongue. 2 When guilt pursues my troubled breast, He tells me where my faith must rest, 3 When darkness overspreads my mind, will say CONDE Let Do no Nor When sore temptations vex my soul, Some promise then my fears controul, When for my sin my heart is broke, Glory to thee, theu God of love, Who taught my thoughts to soar above, Had not thy word been my relief, XXVI. will say unto God, Do not condemn me, shew me wherefore thou contendest with me.-Job x. 2. CONDEMN me not, most gracious God, Do not destroy me with thy rod, C 2 Give me the knowledge of my heart, 3 What is it that provokes thine ire! 4 There's surely some beloved sin, 5 Lest it should sink my soul to hell, 6 Let me be stripp'd of all my pride, If but his favor I may share. 7 'Though pinching poverty prevail, Although the fields should yield no meat, The labor of the olive fail, If Christ is mine, my joy's complete. XXVII. Thou God seest me. Gen. xvi. 13, 1 THOU God of justice and of grace, o secret thought can ever shun The notice of thine eye; rom thee conceal'd no act be done, hine eye surveys the ground I tread be this solemn truth inscrib'd est vile deceit should be imbib'd, And 1 from truth depart. ive me, O Lord, this holy fear, For 'tis a gift divine : he soul that views thee ever near, No evil can design. XXVIII. is Children forsake my Law, and walk not in my Fudgments, if they break my Statutes, and keep not my Comhandments; then will I visit their Transgression with a Pod, and their Iniquity with Stripes. ertheless my Loving-kindness will I not utterly take -om him, nor suffer my Faithfulness to fail: My Covenant will I not break, nor alter the Thing that is one out of my Lips.-Psalm lxxxix. 30-34. VELL may I groan beneath thy stroke, From whose commands my heart hath stray'd; Lord, I have all thy statutes broke, 2 Although enlighten'd from above, 3 Where shall I hide my blushing face? 4 Chasten'd, but not destroy'd, I stand, 5 Mercy is mix'd with all my woes, View'd with my crimes, his stripes are few. To alter what his lips have spoke. 7 While he corrects I'll plead his grace, His oath confirm'd and seal'd with blood: Herein my confidence I'll place, He cannot cease to be my God. ΧΧΙΧ. When I ca Of his n And cele Contented lové and All Things work together for Good to them that love God. Rom. viii. 28. 1 Orr has my soul in secret bless'd Affliction's chast'ning rod, It weans me from the creature's breast, And brings me near to God. His wist When, the Shall I |