صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Led as a lamb to meet the sword,
He bow'd beneath the stroke;
Not one revengeful, angry word
The dear Redeemer spoke.

O may his meekness be my guide,
The pattern I pursue;
How can I bear revenge or pride
With Jesus in my view?


Pride goeth before Destruction.-Prov. xvi. 18.

Lord, search and try this heart of mine,

Put every sin to death:

I long to see my pride resign

Its pestilential breath.

I dread its power, I hate its name,
Its sad effects I fear:

Extinguish, Lord, this dang'rous flame,
Nor let one spark appear.

Hide it for ever from mine eyes,
Its hellish rage controul;
Lest wrath destructive from the skies
Consume my guilty soul.

In dust and ashes I would lie,
As less, as worse than naught,
And mourn, that such a wretch as I
Should have one haughty thought.
Form, Lord, each motion of my heart
Obedient to thy will:

In thee the humble soul has part,
My breast let meekness fill.


If ye will not believe, surely ye shall not be established.

Isaiah vii. 9.

1 ATTEND my soul, and trembling hear, This awful truth demands your fear; Persisting still to disbelieve,

Nor hope nor grace can you receive.

2 Attend to what the ETERNAL saith,
And pray incessantly for faith;
Lest, in an awful, hast'ning hour,
You fall to be restor'd no-more!

3 Pray for that faith which stands sincere,
Which strives till death to persevere;
That faith which treads the tempter down,
Which apprehends the heavenly crown.

4 That faith which gladdens all the heart
Cleansing the soul through every part;
That faith which justifies, which draws
The will t' obey Jehovah's laws.

5 That faith which works inspir'd by love,
Shed by the Spirit from above;
That faith which can the cross sustain,
And sing in poverty and pain.

6 Faith which can satan's schemes destroy,
And fill the soul with constant joy,
Which sees its paths in darkest night,
And keeps the heav'nly port in sight.

7 O precious faith!-may I be found
Establish'd on its happy ground:
Instruct me, Jesus, from above,
And build me up in faith and love.

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Then let the rising billows roll,
Faith is the anchor of my soul:
I'm well secur'd on every side,
Fix'd firm in Christ, my Rock, my Guide.


us saith the Lord; - Let not the wise Man glory in his Visdom, neither let the mighty Man glory in his Might; et not the rich Man glory in his Riches: but let him bat glorieth, glory in this, that be understandeth and noweth me, that I am the Lord. Jer. ix. 23, 24.

LET not the learned and the wise,
Extol the wisdom of their minds,
Tis folly in Jehovah's eyes,

Whose wisdom in perfection shines.
Let not the noble and the strong,
Presume to boast their borrow'd might,
Lest God, to whom all power belong,
Their stubborn joints with weakness smite.

Let not the rich in pride grow bold,
Or glory in their fading store;
Lest God in anger curse their gold,
And make their souls for ever poor.
Thus saith the Lord of all below,-
"Let no one boast before my throne,
Except in this-He's taught to know
"That I am God, and Gon alone!"

Take this your glorying in his sight,
That by his teaching you can trace
The things in which his thoughts delight,
His truth, his justice, and his grace.

To him your impotence confess,

Mourn and lament your daily wrongs: And make his strength and righteousness Your frequent and your joyful songs.


I have heard of thee by the bearing of the Ear, but now mine Eye seeth thee; wherefore I abbor myself, and repent in Dust and Ashes.-Job xlii. 5, 6.

1 OFTEN, great God, I've heard of thee,
As righteous, just, and wise:

But now thy holiness I see,
And sink in deep surprise.

2 My soul with reverence adore,
How awful is the sight!
Let me presume to speak no more
Of excellence so bright.

3 Ten thousand tongues in vain pretend
To tell what thou hast wrought;
God and his glorious works transcend
The utmost reach of thought.

4 Lost in the search, o'erwhelm'd with shame,
My conduct I review :

And, self-abhorr'd, through Jesu's name,
For pardon humbly sue.

5 My sad impatience I lament;
How dare I to complain!
O could I screen my discontent,
Or call it back again!

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How could a sinful wretch presume
To murmur and repine:

How justly, Lord, might thou consume
This guilty soul of mine!

Asham'd, I loath myself in dust,
Unholy and unclean:
Thou, Lord, alone art good and just,
O pardon all my sin.


at Man is he that feareth the Lord?-Him shall be ach in the Way that he shall choose.-Psalm xxv. 12.

FEAR the God of heaven and earth,
All sinful ways my soul refuse;
fain would tread the narrow path,
Lord, teach me in the way I chuse.

chuse the way that leads to God,
The way of holiness and love;
The way of faith in Jesu's blood,
Mark'd and appointed from above.

me prophets trod this holy ground,
This is the road believers go:
n' apostles in this way were found,
I charge my soul to tread it too.

y weakness urges me to pray;
Lord guide my steps, my path make plain,

onduct me in the heavenly way,
Nor let me supplicate in vain.

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