We have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the Righteous.-1 John ii. 1.
1 THANKS to thy name, thou God of love, For such an Advocate above, Who can defend thy righteous laws, And plead my soul's unrighteous cause.
2 Yes: for he bore my guilt and shame, Obey'd and suffer'd in my name; He offer'd up himself for me, And pleads that off'ring now with thee. 3 He pleads both law and justice too, And gives them both their proper due Yea, truth is honor'd by his grace Before the bold accuser's face,
4 As my all-wise and gracious Friend, He pleads against that hellish fiend; The Judge approves his ev'ry plea, And sets the guilty sinner free.
5 The sinner wonder and adore :- O let me doubt his love no more!- My weaknesses he kindly bears, And pities all my sighs and tears.
6 This is the Advocate and King Whose pow'r and faithfulness I sing: His pow'r with God can never fail; Whene'er he pleads he must prevail.
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Might be increaseth Strength.-Isaiah xl. 29.
1 LORD, I'm a faint, a feeble worm, But thou hast power divine; Then let thine own almighty arm Sustain this soul of mine.
2 Pity my weakness, gracious God, And this kind word fulfil:-
O give me strength to bear thy rod, To suffer all thy will!
3 I ask for pow'r to hope and fear, For pow'r to seek thy face; Pow'r to suppress each sinful care, To trust thy promis'd grace.
Increase my strength, thou God of might, In weakness make me strong; And in this dark and gloomy night Afford my soul a song.
Why should my thoughts in sadness rest, Why murmur and repine?-
Bring resignation to my breast,
With peace, and joy divine.
Helpless I cast my cares on thee, Thou wilt regard my cries; I shall ere long thy glory see, And wipe my weeping eyes. Till then my faith shall keep her hold On Jesu's righteousness; His grace can make the fearful bold, Yea, joyful, in distress.
The Law is spiritual.-Romans vii. 14.
The law of God is just,
A strict and holy way;
And he that would escape the curse Must all the law obey.
Not one vain thought must rise, Not one unclean desire;
He must be holy, just, and wise, Who keeps the law entire.
If in one point he fail In thought, in word, or deed,
The curses of the law prevail, And rest upon his head.
Have paid obedience there!
I tremble and retreat; Behold, O God! I'm vile: Guilty, I fall before thy feet, And own my nature's soil.
6 Lord, I have broke thy law: I now lament my sin:
Still I offend in all I do,
I'm carnal and unclean.
7 And does the curse still rest Upon my guilty head?- No:-Jesus, let his name be blest Hath borne it in my stead.
6 No: he has bowels for the poor, Whose hearts and hopes are fix'd above, Who wait as beggars at his door, And rest on his unchanging love.
7 On him I cast my ev'ry care, He is my Father, rich and grand; For earth and all its treasures are At the disposal of his hand.
8 Yea, he is Ruler of the skies,
And Lord of that bright world above Where I, ere long, shall feast my eyes, And sing and shout redeeming love.
2 I tell thee in Jehovah's fear,
Thou dost, if thou art guilty here, Thine own disgrace procure; Thou dost in this dishonor God, Thou dost prepare thyself a rod, And thou shalt smart as sure.
He that is soon angry dealeth foolishly.-Proverbs xiv. 17.
1 CHRISTIAN, -examine well thy mind; Ask, Is my soul to wrath inclin'd? Thus, home the matter bring:
Am I so foolish, so unwise, To let my angry passions rise At ev'ry trifling thing?
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