صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

For thee I mourn, for thee I'm all distress'd;
O come, and tell me that I have a share
In all the blessings purchas'd by thy blood!-

Come, for I want to tell thee all my woes,
And rest me in the arms of thine embrace.-
Come, now, and conquer all my unbelief,
Come, and subdue these gloomy doubts and fears;`
Come, and enrich my soul with ev'ry grace,
And teach me all the wonders of thy love;
O come, and manifest thyself to me,
And let thine absence grieve my soul no more!

Come quickly, Lord, and melt my heart for sin;

O give me true repentance;-'tis thy gift:-
And with repentance bring my pardon seal'd.
Thou God incarnate, come!-I long to gaze
Jpon thy wounded hands, thy pierced side,
And weep o'er those memorials of my sin.

Come, and enlarge my soul before thy throne ;-
I want more freedom there, more near access
To thee, on whom alone my bliss depends.

Come, Lord, and take my soul with all its powers, Allure my heart, and let it all be thine, So shall my thoughts be ever fix'd on thee.

Come, Lord, and give me conquest o'er the world; bove its joys and sorrows let me rise; would no more lie grov'ling in the dust, But live a life, like angels, quite divine. But O! it cannot be while sin remains, And mixes in each duty I perform ;t cannot be in this imperfect state. O DEATH! how much art thou to be desir'd,

Since thou, and thou alone, canst set me free
From all the filthy, latent springs of sin
Which work incessant in the carnal mind,
In that which is unsanctified as yet
Till thou thy friendly office shalt perform.

Come, JESUS, and assist me to aspire
To such degrees of grace and holiness
As shall prepare me for that great event.
O come, and cleanse my soul from every sin,
And ever keep me from its dreadful pow'r.-
I would be holy, as 'tis thy command,
Yea, Lord, I would be holy as thou art:
Do I not love thee for thy holiness,
Because thou art a just, a faithful God?
More of thy purity I fain would know,
More of thine image I would fain receive;
Come, and sustain my soul in all my woes;
Make me in all things to thy will resign'd,
That I may ever tread impatience down,
And grieve the Spirit of thy grace no more.

JESUS, with all the ardor of my soul, I now invite and call thee to my breast; O hear my earnest cry, and haste away! Leap o'er the horrid mountains of my sins, Skip o'er the hills of my unworthiness, Like light'ning let thy presence all destroy; O come, and with thy glory fill my soul!

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I call to Remembrance my Song in the Night.-Psalm

lxxvii. 6.

1 LORD, in thy mercy I rejoice,

To thee I'd frame a thankful song,
O tune my heart, assist my voice,
And let thy love inspire my tongue!

2 Grateful, I bow before thy throne,
And praise thee for thy chast'ning rod;
Righteous art thou, and thou alone,
Thou faithful, cov'nant-keeping God.

3 Hadst thou not scourg'd this sinful frame,
Hadst thou not all my suff'rings chose,
No songs of honor to thy name
Would from my thoughtless heart arose.

4 But while I call my griefs to mind,

And read the songs which thou hast giv'n,
I can pronounce thee good and kind,
And raise my grateful thoughts to heav'n.

5 Yes, Lord, I thank thee from my heart
For all my poverty and pains,
Since thou by them hast deign'd t' impart
Divine instruction to my reins.

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1 TAKE courage, O my soul! and rest
By faith upon thy Saviour's breast;
He is thy Prophet, Priest, and King,
From whom all consolations spring.

Ye shall have a Song as in the Night. Isaiah xxx. 29.

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2 In him the promises were made For thy support, thy present aid; In him, all precious they endure,

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Yea, and amen, for ever sure.

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A heart to glorify his name!-
To him unceasing praise belong,
Who with his blood bought every song.




Full of Grace and Truth.-John i. 14.

How welcome is this news

To souls oppress'd with fear,

Why, sinner, why wilt thou refuse

To leave thy burden here?

Is Jesus full of grace?

Then why dost thou complain?
O!-why refuse to seek his face,
His favor to obtain?

3 And why shouldst thou, my soul,
Go mourning all thy days?-
Lord, let thy grace my fears controul,
And fill my mouth with praise.

4 Revive my fainting heart
With thy forgiving love;

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