صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

4 Who would not serve so kind a God?

Who would not learn to trust his name? Who would not tremble at his rod,

And fly to hide them near the Lamb!

50 come and taste his matchless love,
Ye young in years, come seek the Lord;
Ask, now, for wisdom from above,
And God your wishes will regard.

6 Your early cries shall please him well,
O'let not sin your souls ensnare;
Come, shun the paths of death and hell,
Religion's noblest pleasures share.

7 Jesus is worthy of your love,

O let him have your FIRST regard;
Nor let your youthful passions rove
Till you can say, you love the Lord.

3 So shall your growing years be blest,
The church shall over you rejoice,
Jesus himself shall be your rest,
While angels glory in your choice.

Tidings of
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Unto you that fear my Name, shall the Sun of Righteous
ness arise with healing in his Wings.-Mal. iv. 2.

1 Good news these blessed words impart
To every humble, trembling heart;
Good news to all that fear the Lord,
To all that trust his sacred word.


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Tidings of health, of peace, of joy
To those whom satan's darts annoy:
O let my soul this news embrace,
And wait the coming of his grace!

Jesus, the Sun of Righteousness,
Will rise and scatter my distress :
I shall behold the King of kings,
With health bright beaming from his wings.

One smile from him, like noon's display,
Shall turn my darkness into day;
One look of love from him, shall raise
My doubts to faith, my prayer to praise.

He will arise, my fears assuage,
And shine in spite of satan's rage:
Soon shall I see the glorious SON,
And sing the wonders he hath done.


Åsk, What I shall give thee.-1 Kings iii. 5.

SHEW me the soul to doubts expos'd,
(To such this question is propos'd)
Ask, saith the Lord, and let me know
What I shall now on thee bestow.

Say, what thy wants, and what thy woes?
Dost thou in me thy trust repose?
Art thou my friend, sincerely true?
Speak-for thy springs of thought I view.

Art thou to seriousness inclin'd?
Ask, and I will solemnize thy mind.
Dost thou want love to Jesu's name?
Ask, and his matchless love proclaim.

4 Dost thou want peace and pardon seal'd?
Ask, for they wait to be reveal'd.
Dost thou want faith and holy fear?
Ask, and behold the blessings near.

5 Dost thou want strength 'gainst sin to fight!
Ask, and I'll make thee strong in might.
Dost thou want light and life divine!
Ask, and eternal life is thine.

6 Wilt thou be made completely whole?
Ask, and I'll renovate thy soul.
This instant ask, arise, and pray,
Nor lose such blessings by delay.

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But my God shall supply all your Need according to his
Riches in Glory, by Christ Jesus.-Phil. iv. 19.

1 RICHES immense are in thy hand,
Thou God in whom I trust,
In whom I live, by whom I stand,
Most holy, wise, and just.

20 how extensive is thy grace,

How rich, how full, how free!
The needy thou delight'st to raise,
I'll tell my wants to thee.

3 I want to fear thy sacred name,
I want to love thee more;
I want to feel that heavenly flame
Which I have felt before.

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I want to know myself aright,
To hear what Jesus saith;

I want repentance in thy sight,

I want a stronger faith.

I want to have my soul resign'd
Submissive to thy will;

I want a meek, an humble mind:

I want my wants to feel.

I want a chaste and single eye:
Thy gracious ear incline;
From fulness infinite supply
This empty soul of mine.


Through Jesus let these blessings flow,
He bought them with his blood;
Now let a worthless sinner know
Thy promises made good.


To him, to him whose love hath wrought
More than I ever ask'd or thought;
To him my powers aspire to raise
A grateful song of humble praise.

'Twas he that sought me from above,
When quite a stranger to his love;
When rushing blindfold down to hell,
He saw, and caught me as I fell.

To him, to him be glory giv'n

Who taught my soul the way to heav'ng
To him be praise, through endless day,
Who guides and keeps me in the way;

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Learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in Heart.
Matth. xi. 29.

1 JESUS, the great, the mighty God,
A man of griefs became;

In paths of meekness here he trod,
And bore the sinner's shame.

2 Humility, how bright it shin'd
In every act he wrought:
What lowliness of heart and mind
Appear'd in all he taught.

3 Love to the human, fallen race,
Glow'd in his tender breast;
For man he yielded to disgrace,
Forsaken and distrest..

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