3 Haste, sacred Dove, dart through the skies, Haste, and assist my faith to rise,
She's all unactive here; O fix her on her Author's breast, On him she can securely rest
Without the interrupting pain of jealousy and fear.
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1 WITHOUT the aid of sovereign grace, In vain I wish, in vain I try
To raise my cheerful thoughts on high, Or gain a smile from Jesu's face; In thee, my God, are all my springs, At thy command my passions move: O let thy Spirit's gentle wings Bear me above created things, And fix me where I may enjoy thy love. 2 Fix me on that delightful ground Where once I spoke the joys I found, Amidst those fruitful bowers; There, there again I long to stand, And taste the fruits of Canaan's land, And please my choice in gathering heavenly flower 3 There would my thoughts unwearied rove,
And bless the peaceful, happy grove, There would my comforts grow divinely strong: There have I seen the King of kings, And heard a thousand glorious things: I know how sweet the blessings are, And grow impatient to be there;
Why should I wear this earthly chain so longi
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As many as I love I rebuke and chasten. Rev. iv. 19.
1 HEAR this, ye fav'rites of the Lord,
Who mourn beneath his rod,
Hear, and rejoice at every word, And trust your loving God.
Hear, and dismiss your gloomy fears, And tune your joyful songs; Each word rebukes your fiowing tears, And your complaining tongues.
3 Come, ye that doubt Jehovah's love, Because you 're sore distrest, Here is a cordial from above,
To ease your troubled breast.
4 Thus saith the Lord, the Only Wise,"I will my children prove,
"I will rebuke, I will chastise "As many as I love.
5 "I'll punish and subdue their pride, "I will be known their God; "Love to their precious souls shall guide "My sin-avenging rod.
"To them I'll manifest my care, "As faithful fathers do,
"I'll teach them reverence and fear, "And they shall love me too.
7 "Thus will I save their souls from hell, "And bring them safe to heaven ! "There shall they love and praise me well "For each correction given."-
2 When to the throne of grace I flee, It stands betwixt my God and me Where'er I rove, where'er I rest, I feel its workings in my breast. 3 When I attempt to soar above, To view the heights of Jesu's love, This monster seems to mount the skies, And veil his glory in my eyes.
4 O! to be freed from this vile foe, Which keeps my faith and hope so low; Lord, take me to my heavenly home. Where not one sinful thought can come.
1 WHY does this room so often prove A dungeon, Lord, to me! When will these bars of sickness move, To set thy prisoner free?
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2 Jesus, I long to hear thy word, I long to feel its pow'r, Be thou my Healer, dearest Lord, And bring the happy hour.
3 Till then do thou my soul sustain, All patient to endure; Bless my confinement and my pain, And all my hopes insure.
4 Visit me here, thou King of kings, With rays of light divine; Spread o'er my soul thy healing wings, And tell me thou art mine.
5 Let each returning sabbath prove A day of rest to me,
Till I behold thy face above,
And rest secure with thee.
Now let my soul adore and praise
The God of Love, the God of Grace,
Mercy and truth are all his ways, On him I wait in ev'ry case. Beneath his rod I raise my cries, And plead his faithfulness and care; He hears my groans, he bids me rise And tell how kind his dealings are.
3 I taste his goodness every hour; O for a heart to love his name! A heart t' adore his matchless power, Which has reviv'd my dying frame.
4 What shall I render to the Lord, Who thus regards me from above; How shall I best proclaim abroad His condescension and his love. 5 Give me, O God, a grateful heart, And let me pay my vows to thee, For thou hast sweetly eas'd my smart; Hast set thy waiting prisoner free.
Now in that strength which thou hast giv'n, My willing feet thy courts shall tread; There shall I hear good news from heav'n, And on thy promis'd blessings feed.
He come I love an And w 0, for a Oh, for Like them
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The Voice of my Beloved, behold be cometh! - Cant. ii. 8.
1 'T'Is my Beloved's awful voice ;
He comes, he calls me to rejoice;
'Tis he himself, my soul, and none but he;
I know him by his wounded side,
I know him, for his robes are dyed,
Dyed in that precious blood he shed for me.
He comes!-I'm fill'd with holy fear, I blush and weep as he draws near; Although I see a pardon in his hand, I feel my sorrows melt and move, Because I've sinn'd against such love, Against a Friend so glorious and so good.
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