صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Tis with a' melting heart I view
His body broke for sin;

That murderer my Saviour slew,
And put his soul to pain.

For crimes and vices not his own
A sacrifice he fell:

For me, vile rebel, to atone,

He bore the pangs of hell!

or me his table now is spread,
And each believing guest,
Lichly set forth with living bread,
And wine of truth and grace.

ere peace and pardon sweetly flow:
O what delightful food!
ere is a balım for all my woe,
With every needful good.

ere is a righteousness divine,
And sin-subduing grace;

ere every blessing meet and shine
In my Redeemer's face.

ch was the purchase of his blood,
For sinners such as me:

1 glory to my dying God For grace so rich and free.

was his own love that spread the feast,
Twas love that made him die;
s love hath made my soul a guest,
And rais'd my thoughts on high.

esus, I bless thy sacred name
For favors so divine;
Il that I have, and all I am,
Shall be for ever thine.


Now the God of Hope fill you with all Foy and Peace in believing. Rom. xv. 13.

1 Now may the God of boundless grace,

The God of hope and love,
Fill each believing soul with peace,
And every doubt remove.

2 Let the bright views of Jesus raise

Our songs divinely high;
And, while our tongues repeat his praise,
Let Grief stand silent by.

3 Rejoice, ye sons of God, rejoice,
And doubt his love no more;

Lift up your hearts, lift up your voice,
And his rich grace adore.

4 Rest on his word, for ever rest,
And glory in his name;
He'll clothe the troublers of your breast
With everlasting shame.

5 Beneath your feet he'll shortly tread
The subtle tempter down;
'Gainst you no weapon shall succeed
While Jesus wears the crown.

6 Your hope and trust he'll ne'er deceive;
Raise, raise your voices higher;
happy souls, who thus believe!
He'll grant your whole desire.


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Herein is Love.-1 John iv. 10,

COME, view the field of love divine,
Where I delight to rove and glean,
How pleasant to this soul of mine!
What spices blow-what joys are seen!
I'm lost in admiration here,

Is this the garden of my God?
What fragrant balm is that so near?
'Tis pardon sprinkled with rich blood.
Is this the manner of his love?
Did he, to screen my guilty head,
Leave those celestial joys above,
To suffer vengeance in my stead?
Methinks I see the dreadful sword
Plung'd in his body on the tree;
But why, O why, my dearest Lord,
Why this extreme expence for me?
Why this excruciating pain?

Why wilt thou suffer, bleed, and die?
Why part with blood from every vein,
To save a wretch so vile as I?

O let my soul adoring bend,

Here is profound, stupendous love,
Too vast for me to comprehend,
Too vast for all the saints above.

Yet I would fain more fully know,
That thou art mine, more clearly see ;
By faith engrafted, let me grow,
Thou Root and Spring of Life, like thee.
8 Make me a plant of thy right hand,
Thy full salvation let me prove;
In paradise I then shall stand,
And live forever in thy love.


Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever.

Hebrews xiii. 8.

1 IS JESUS evermore the same?

Lean then, my soul, upon his name;
O bid thine unbelief be gone,
And learn to live by faith alone.

2 View his unchanging mercy here,
Jesus the same from year to year;
From age to age enduring still,
The same in goodness, power, and skill.

3 His pity saw th' expiring thief,

And chang'd for endless life his grief:
His grace is now as rich and free
As when he hung upon the tree.

4 Still his compassion is the same
To all that love and fear his name;
Stronger than death his truths abide,
And none can turn his love aside.

5 No time can alter his decrees,
Nor change his precious promises:
His word shall stand through endless day,
When heaven and earth are pass'd away,

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But, O how weak my faith appears,
How prone to yield to doubts and fears;
Mistrusting when I'm chang'd in frame,
That Jesus is not still the same!

Why do I act so vile a part,
And grieve my dear Redeemer's heart?
Establish, Lord, my wav'ring mind,
And keep my unbelief confin'd.

O help my faith to soar above,
To rest in thine unchanging love;
Thy faithfulness I now adore,

Ne'er would I grieve my Saviour more.


Cove them that love me, and those that seek me early shall find me.-Prov. viii. 17.

HAPPY souls that love the Lord,
He will return them love for love;
All needful grace he will afford
To such as seek the joys above.
They in his kind protection share,
He is their Father and their Friend,
Jesus will soften all their care,
And help in every trouble send.
He views their graces with delight,
He stands engaged to do them good;
Their souls are precious in his sight,
Bought with the price of his rich blood.


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