3 Sickness and pain may soon disgrace The most admired charms;
Soon must they sleep in death's embrace, And lose their lovely forms.
4 How vain is beauty, then, my Muse! Unworthy of thy lays;
Turn, and a nobler subject chuse, Let virtue have thy praise.
5 How wise is she whose constant care Pursues the heavenly road; She shall the ETERNAL's favor share, And every REAL GOOD.
She ever shuns the snares of vice; How circumspect her ways! Wise in simplicity she is; Unsought her gen'ral praise.
7 If she is called to mingle souls, How cautious is her choice; No vain pretence her love controuls, She scorns the flatterer's voice.
3 United, see, illustrious shines, The tender, prudent wife; Humility her soul refines, Grace governs all her life. What undissembled love she bears To him who has her hand: How does she soften all his cares, And all his woes attend!
10 Is she a friend?-how kind and true Her charity how pure! Her friendship is not like the dew That passes in an hour.
11 She shall be prais'd when beauty fails, And years and age increase : She shall be blest while grace prevails And end her days in peace.
The Eyes of the Lord are upon the Righteous, and his Ears are open to their Cry.-Psalm xxxiv. 15.
1 SAY, is this wild, corrupted nation
Blest with a few who seek the Lord! Say, is there one in every station Who loves t' obey JEHOVAH'S word?
2 Are all agreed t' increase the sadness Of this dark and gloomy time? Do all run on in headstrong madness And scorn repentance for the crime?
3 Is this, indeed, our sad condition? No: let me bless the God of Grace! There are a few who with contrition Lament for sin before his face.
4 Let me encourage their confession, Their strong intreaties for this land! Though 'tis a time of great transgression, Yet, surely, God is still at hand.
5 Ye humble souls, pray without ceasing, To you the Lord will lend an ear; While sins and judgments are increasing, O pray in faith and persevere.
60 pray, nor be too much dejected, Ask all in Jesu's worthy name! Your suit shall never be rejected, Through him we may forgiveness claim.
7 Come, sinners, join in each petition, Nor tempt the Lord by your delay: He gives repentance and remission To all who do sincerely pray.
3 Let every soul in every station Join their assistance:-who can tell But God may turn and bless this nation, And send contention down to hell.
Let the Skies pour down Righteousness.-Isaiah xlv. 8.
1 JESUS, thou God of nations, bend
The skies, and let the rain descend, But not thy wrath. In mercy bless This land with showers of righteousness.
2 Pour down some tokens of thy love; Impending punishment remove: Pour down the Spirit of thy grace, That every soul may seek thy face.
3 Forbid that BRITAIN e'er should be Forsaken utterly by thee! Let not thy sore displeasure rest Upon a nation so distrest.
4 Her woes, her poverty, her need, With thy compassion we would plead; Enrich her, Lord, in every place, With all the plenitude of grace.
6 Water each sacred spot of ground Where'er the seeds of truth are found; And make the fruits of Zion's hill The glory of Britannia still.
6 Why should this once high-favor'd isle Be ever banish'd from thy smile? Let not our sin our ruin prove,
In wrath descend not, but in love.
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(The twelve following pieces have been added since the first edition was published.]
Hold thou me up and I shall be safe.-Psalm cxix. 117.
1 To thee, again, my gracious God,
I lift my heart and eyes,
Thou art my only safe Abode, Thou only just and wise.
2 In thee for every needful grace My drooping soul confide: Keep me, O Lord, in every place, Secure on every side.
3 Be thou, my Guardian, ever near, Thy presence I intreat; Keep me, O keep me in thy fear, Uphold my sliding feet.
4 The paths I tread are strew'd with snares,
In mercy take my part:
I.et not applauses wound my ears, Nor censures vex my heart.
5 Lest I should once disgrace thy cause, Make me, O Lord, to grow
Deaf both to censure and applause, And dead to all below.
6 I'd seek the honor of thy name, And leave my own to die: Help me to sink with humble shame, And raise thy praises high.
1 JESUS, I now address thy throne, And seek my help in thee alone, As wretched sinners do; Hear and regard my earnest cries, Send, gracious God, some fresh supplies, And cheer my hopes anew.
2 Thou art a God of boundless might, O turn my darkness into light!
I wait thy Spirit's cheering rays;Come, thou Instructor, all divine, Enlarge these scanty thoughts of mine, And turn my sighs to songs of praise.
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