صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

7 This word can lighten every care:-
While I can say, -MY GOD,-

Fulness in poverty I share
And satisfying food.

8 Eternal thanks to thy great name,
Whose grace hath made me thine;
Nothing shall put my soul to shame
While I can call thee MINE.

9 Let grateful thanks to Jesus rise,
Who bought me with his blood,
Who gave his life a sacrifice
Ere I could say,-MY GOD.

10 Joyful in tribulation now

I bless my God and King;
Of mercy, and of judgment too,
With cheerful voice I sing.

11 My God, thou hast rebuk'd my fears,
They fled at thy command;

I leave my soul with all her cares
In thine almighty hand.


In every thing give Thanks, for this is the Will of God.

1 Thessalonians v. 18.

1 I THINK my table richly spread,

And bless the Lord for wholesome bread,

While nothing more appears;

With this I am not left to starve,

This is far more than I deserve,
And better than my fears.


2 Tell me no more of praise and wealth,
Tell me no more of ease and health,
For these have all their snares;
Let me but know my sins forgiven,
But see my name enroll'd in heaven,
And I am free from cares.

3 Tell me no more of lofty tow'rs,
Delightful gardens, fragrant bow'rs,
For these are triffing things;
The little room for me design'd
Will suit as well my easy mind,
As palaces of kings.

4 Tell me no more of crowding guests,
Of sumptuous feasts and gaudy dress,
Extravagance and waste;

My little table, only spread
With wholesome herbs and wholesome bread,
Will better suit my taste.

5 Give me the bible in my hand,
A heart to read and understand,
And faith to trust the Lord:
I'd set alone from day to day,
Or urge no company to stay,
Nor wish to rove abroad.

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The King bath brought me into his Chambers; we will be
glad and rejoice in thee; we will remember thy Love
more than Wine.-Canticles i. 4.

1 THE Lord of lords, and King of kings
Into his secret chamber brings
His worshippers sincere;

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Then their enraptur'd souls rejoice,

And sing his praise with heart and voice,
And hold communion dear.

To me, less than the least of all,
This favor comes, when faith can call
On God for quick'ning grace;
"Draw me," my soul in earnest cried,-
"Draw me, my God, I would abide

"Alone in thine embrace."

3 My God, in mercy heard my cry,
And sent and drew my thoughts on high
Into his holy place;

I enter'd, but with holy fear,

And saw my dear Redeemer there,
And feasted on his grace!

Jesus, my soul shall ne'er forget
A favor so divinely great::

I'll keep thy love in mind,
And prize it as my chiefest good,-
Above my necessary food,
Above the richest wine.



Lud lest I should be exalted above Measure, through the Abundance of the Revelations, there was given to me a Thorn in the Flesh, the Messenger of satan, to buffe me, lest I should be exalted above Measure.-2 Cor xii. 7.

JESUS exalts his fav'rites high,

And lifts their souls above,

When drest in grace, approaching nigh,
He manifests his love.

2 Seasons like these great joy create,
Our hearts within us burn,

Our souls oft think, in such a state,
Night will no more return.-

3"Jesus is come, and testifies
"He never will depart;
"I now am spotless in his eyes,
"And welcome to his heart.

4 "Much of his grace to me is given, "What happiness. I feel!

"Cheerful I'll walk the road to heav'n,
"Nor fear the pow'rs of hell.

5 "Now shall his graces shine abroad,
"And all the world shall see,
"How much I love my dearest Lord,
"Who suffer'd death for me."-

6 This is the zeal young converts show,
While glory strikes their eyes;
Tis but a little that they know;
Experience makes them wise.

? When wisdom sends a pungent thorn,
To drive their pride away;
How soon they think themselves forlorn;
Who so opprest as they!

Le. but the powers of darkness rage,
And Jesus hide his face;
With hell they tremble to engage,
Where, now, their beasted grace?

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Now they complain-how vain their minds,

Corruption grows too strong;

Satan again their spirit binds,

How mournful is their song!

0 Now they perceive their strength is small,

And cry for help from heaven;

Jesus in mercy hears them call,
And grace again is given.

1 With humbling views of self and sin,
They now bewail their pride;

And now with stronger faith begin
In Jesus to confide.

2 'Tis needful then to bear the thorn,
Humility to learn;

Lest self-conceit should rise to scorn,
And we to sin return.



nd he came thither unto a Cave, and the Word of the Lord came to him and said, what dost thou here Elijah ? -1 Kings xix. 9.

My soul, what dost thou here?
This is forbidden ground:
Behold, what dangers now appear!
What darkness waits around!

What dost thou in this cave
Of unbelief and fear?
Jesus is able still to save,
On him cast all thy care.

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