While o'er thy fainting, dying dust, Help me to make thy name my trust, While I exert my feeble powers, CI. I would seek unto God, and unto God would I commit my Cause, which doeth great Things, and unsearchable; marvellous Things without number.-Job v. 8, 9, To God I'd seek in each distress, He never gave my soul a charge Welcome I am in ev'ry case To meet him at his throne of grace; ☐ for a supplicating frame, My soul would now in earnest pray... I 2 1 as from thine hand my trials came, ine hand can soon remove the same; nou art a wonder-working God, And faithfulness attends thy rod. Thou dost what none can imitate, Dost tho Then I fr Yes, by t Though a Vengeance My cup of O let my s And drink CII. The Cup which my Father bath given me, shall I nos drink it? John xviii. 11. 1 Is this unpleasant cup now given By thee, my Father, Lord of heaven? And meekly take it at thine hand. 2 If thou wilt help me to believe I can this bitter draught receive; 3 Thou know'st I am but feeble dust, 4 Still, Saviour, let me see thy face, 5 Dost thou not bare thy children's grief? 6 Vengeance is not prepar'd for me, Lord, while its bitter flavor last, CIII. Why art thou cast down, O my Soul, and why art thou disquieted within me; hope thou in God, for I shall yet praise him.-Psalm xlii. 11. WHY thus cast down, my soul? Why dost thou yield to fear, And ponder o'er the roll Of guilt and darkness here? In sov'reign love. Why do I thus complain And bow my drooping head? Cheer up, my soul, again, Thy Saviour is not dead: sus, thy Lord, Is still the same, Believe his word, And trust his name. at though he hides his face, On him repose, 4 Why should distressing thoughts, Why should distracting cares Still aggravate thy faults, And urge thy flowing tears? No longer fight Against his rod; And hope in God. But still delight The frowns Lord, where Will God no No more su No more to Jesus, I still CIV. Will the Lord cast off for ever, and will be be favorable no more?-Psalm lxxvii. 7. 1 JESUS, when I can see thy face, And feel the influence of thy grace, I can all outward woes sustain, And own thee just in every pain. 2 But, O how high my sorrows rise, The frowns of friends whom I revere Lord, wherefore dost thou hide thy face, Will God no more regard my woes? Jesus, I still resolve, by grace, To trust thy word, and seek thy face, CV. Chastened and not killed-2 Corinthians vi. 9. CHASTEN'D I am from day to day, When will my troubles cease or stay? Such pain and sickness wastes my strength, Anxious I wish, with sad concern, |