صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

While o'er thy fainting, dying dust,
The rising billows roll,

Help me to make thy name my trust,
And cheer my drooping soul.

While I exert my feeble powers,
And send my groans above,
Lighten, O Lord, my gloomy hours,
With thy forgiving love.


I would seek unto God, and unto God would I commit my Cause, which doeth great Things, and unsearchable; marvellous Things without number.-Job v. 8, 9,

To God I'd seek in each distress,
To God I'd find a near access;
He has an arm which can sustain,
And he allows me to complain.

He never gave my soul a charge
Not on my sorrows to enlarge;
He bids me bring my troubles near,
And speak without reserve or fear.

Welcome I am in ev'ry case

To meet him at his throne of grace;
He will not one complaint oppose,
Nor tire while I repeat my woes.

☐ for a supplicating frame,
For stronger faith in Jesus' name!
Lord, take each obstacle away,

My soul would now in earnest pray...

I 2


as from thine hand my trials came, ine hand can soon remove the same; nou art a wonder-working God,

And faithfulness attends thy rod.

Thou dost what none can imitate,
Things as unsearchable as great:
Thy marvellous, mysterious ways
Transcend, while they demand, all praise.

Dost tho Then I fr

Yes, by t Though a

Vengeance My cup of O let my s

And drink


The Cup which my Father bath given me, shall I nos drink it? John xviii. 11.

1 Is this unpleasant cup now given

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By thee, my Father, Lord of heaven?
O let me then in silence stand,

And meekly take it at thine hand.

2 If thou wilt help me to believe

I can this bitter draught receive;
Though mix'd with wormwood and with gall,
My soul in faith can drink it all.

3 Thou know'st I am but feeble dust,
Too apt thy goodness to mistrust;
But let not darkness veil my mind,
Let me not think my God unkind.

4 Still, Saviour, let me see thy face,
And rest my soul in thine embrace;
Send down fresh cordials from above,
And mix this woe with signs of love.

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5 Dost thou not bare thy children's grief?
Then I from thee shall gain relief;
Yes, by thy grace and love divine,
Though all unworthy, I am thine.

6 Vengeance is not prepar'd for me,
My cup of wrath was drank by thee;
O let my soul forbear to frown,
And drink this milder mixture down.

Lord, while its bitter flavor last,
Let thy rich love be my repast;
Oft as the taste returns, again
Let heavenly joy absorb the pain.


Why art thou cast down, O my Soul, and why art thou disquieted within me; hope thou in God, for I shall yet praise him.-Psalm xlii. 11.

WHY thus cast down, my soul?

Why dost thou yield to fear,

And ponder o'er the roll

Of guilt and darkness here?
Shake off thy grief,
And soar above,
There's sure relief

In sov'reign love.

Why do I thus complain

And bow my drooping head?

Cheer up, my soul, again,

Thy Saviour is not dead:

sus, thy Lord, Is still the same, Believe his word,

And trust his name.

at though he hides his face,
Nor will one smile afford,
nou yet may'st plead his grace,
And venture on his word:
Still all thy trust

On him repose,
And own him just
In all thy woes.

4 Why should distressing thoughts, Why should distracting cares Still aggravate thy faults,

And urge thy flowing tears?

No longer fight

Against his rod;

And hope in God.

But still delight

The frowns
May cause r
But the disp
Proves to

Lord, where
Why dost th
Is mercy go

Will God no

No more su

No more to

Jesus, I still
To trust th
Low at thy
And, if I


Will the Lord cast off for ever, and will be be favorable

no more?-Psalm lxxvii. 7.

1 JESUS, when I can see thy face,

And feel the influence of thy grace, I can all outward woes sustain, And own thee just in every pain.

2 But, O how high my sorrows rise,
How sad, how doleful are my cries,
How insupportable my smart
When thou refuse to cheer my heart!

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The frowns of friends whom I revere
May cause my eyes to drop a tear :
But the displeasure of my God
Proves to my soul the sharpest rod.

Lord, wherefore dost thou hide thy face,
Why dost thou still withhold thy grace?
I ask, while I my sins deplore,-
Is mercy gone for evermore?

Will God no more regard my woes?
No more sustain? No more compose?
What!-am I from his presence drove,
No more to taste or feel his love?

Jesus, I still resolve, by grace,

To trust thy word, and seek thy face,
Low at thy feet I'll plead thy care,
And, if I must, I'll perish there.


Chastened and not killed-2 Corinthians vi. 9.

CHASTEN'D I am from day to day,
Froin year to year I groan;

When will my troubles cease or stay?
When will my griefs be gone?

Such pain and sickness wastes my strength,
Such weakness bows me down;
My spirit dreads the tedious length,
As morn and night comes on.

Anxious I wish, with sad concern,
To end these gloomy days;
When will my Lord again return,
And fill my mouth with praise?

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