THE GOSPEL MAGAZINE. 1841. "COMFORT YE, COMFORT YE, MY PEOPLE, SAITH YOUR GOD." "ENDEAVOURING TO KEEP THE UNITY OF THE SPIRIT IN THE BOND OF PEACE.' "JESUS CHRIST, THE SAME YESTERDAY, TO-DAY, AND FOR EVER. WHOM TO KNOW PUBLISHED BY SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, AND CO., AND SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. PREFACE. TO THE ONE CHURCH OF THE EVER-LIVING JEHOVAHFATHER, SON, AND ETERNAL SPIRIT; CHOSEN IN CHRIST JESUS BEFORE TIME-CALLED IN TIME-AND DESTINED, AFTER TIME, TO GLORY, AND HONOUR, AND IMMORTALITY. DEAR BRETHREN AND SISTERS IN THE COVENANT BONDS OF EVERLASTING LOVE, The period having again arrived when it behoves us to address you by way of Preface, we greet you in the name of our most adorable Lord. By his good and gracious hand, Brethren and Sisters beloved, we have been conducted through the changes and vicissitudes of another year. All glory to his name, here we are still-the monuments of sparing mercy, and the subjects of redeeming grace! In taking a retrospect of the year, we contemplate it with a keenness of emotion better felt than expressed. Some of us have been called to encounter sore trials; and, with Job, |