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humility of the heart: many there are who honour God with the lip, whose hearts have never been humbled by God's grace; consequently, their hearts are far from him. It is with the humble Jehovah condescends to dwell (Isa. lvii. 15), and to such he imparts his grace (James, iv. 6). The Lord declares concerning his dear people, "I will make an everlasting covenant with them, and I will not turn away from them to do them good; but I will put my fear into their hearts, and they shall not depart from me" (Jer. xxxi. 40). I have often thought what an unspeakable mercy it is to have this holy fear implanted in the heart in early life: this favour the Lord hath been graciously pleased to confer upon both you and me, for which I call upon you to unite with me in blessing and praising his holy name. This fear is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom (Prov. i. 7-10); and all are destitute of saving knowledge and true wisdom who do not possess this fear. We noticed, thirdly, what are the evidences of our possessing these graces. Humility evidences itself in a deep-felt sense of sin in the conscience; a sight and sense of our own unworthiness; a renouncing of our own self-righteousness; in embracing Christ as our all; in submitting ourselves to him; in being submissive to God's will, and in walking humbly before him. The fear of God in the heart evidences itself in hatred to sin (Prov. viii. 13); in forsaking sin and sinful pleasures, and in departing from every false way (Prov. xiv. 27, and xvi. 6); in desires after spiritual things, arising from a sense of our need of them (Prov. xix. 23); in a holy reverence for God, his name, his word, his ways; in delight in his service; in a filial affection towards him, and in a concern for his interests and his glory. See our Lord's sermon on the mount, and notice the description he gives of those persons who are blessed (Matt. v. 1-13). Mark also the contrast between the Pharisee and the Publican given by our Lord in Luke, xviii. 10; look at the pride, the ostentation, and self-righteousness of the former, and the humility, the self-loathing, selfcondemning state, and the humble petition of the latter: thus the Lord's dear people have been distinguished in every age. Job said, "I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear, but now mine eye seeth thee; wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes" (Job, xlii. 5, 6). David said, Who am I, O Lord God? and what is my house, that thou hast brought hitherto?" (2 Sam. vii. 18). Isaiah said, "Woe is me! for I am undone because I am a man of unclean lips," &c. (vi. 5); and the Apostle Paul said he was "less than the least of all saints" (Eph. iii. 8), and the " chief of sinners" (1 Tim. i. 15).



II. We considered the happy consequences attending them-viz. "humility (or the reward of humility) and the fear of the Lord are riches, and honour, and life" (see the marginal reading). First, riches-spiritual `riches, the riches of grace-all grace. "The Lord resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble" (1 Pet. v. 5). Pardoning grace, justifying grace, adopting grace, upholding grace, persevering grace, fighting grace, conquering grace-yea, dying grace and the riches of eternal glory, all in Christ, by Christ, through Christ, and all to the glory of Christ, who is "Head over all things to his church, which is his body, the fulness of him who filleth all in all" (Eph. i. 22, 23). See Ps. lxxxiv. 11, and Prov. viii. 18. Another happy consequence is, secondly, honour-honour with God. "He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth the needy out of the dunghil, that he may set him with princes, even with the princes of his people" (Ps. cxiii. 7, 8). They are made kings and priests unto God, they feed upon royal dainties-yea, banquet with the King of kings (see Song ii. 4, and v. 1; and Rev. i. 6). They have a retinue of servants to attend them-viz. the holy angels. They are sons and daughters of the Lord God Almighty. He dwells in them and they in him; they are heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ. They hold communion with each and all the Persons of the Godhead, and walk with God. Another happy consequence is, thirdly, life-eternal life. They shall live for ever. When they have done the will of God on earth, they shall enter into the immediate presence of God and the Lamb; be for ever like Jesus, and see him as he is." They shall be for ever in his presence, entirely freed from all sin, sorrow, doubts, fears, unbelief, and Satan's temptations and fiery darts. They shall enjoy perfect peace, perfect happiness, and everlasting felicity. "They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters, and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes," Rev. vii. 16, 17.

Thus I have given you the outlines of the subject which occupied our thoughts last evening at Woodbridge Chapel. And now, my dear Friend and Sister in the Lord, if you can but trace in your experience those graces mentioned in the first head of the discourse, the evidences of which I have given you; all the happy consequences which I have mentioned, with many more, are yours. "For all things are yours-whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come, all are yours, and ye are Christ's, and Christ is God's," 1 Cor. iii. 22, 23. I must now draw to a close: may "The Lord bless thee and keep thee; the Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee; the Lord lift up his countenance upon thee and give thee peace," Num. vi. 24, 25, 26. And O, may you be kept looking to the Lord Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of our faith, and walking in the fear of the Lord all the days of your life; so prays

Your sincere Pastor

and Brother in the Lord,

Νου. 12 1840.


To the Editor of the Gospel Magazine.



It is with much pleasure that I sit down to bear my feeble testimony to the virtue (under the divine blessing) contained in your GOSPEL MAGAThe Number for December has providentia fallen into my hands; and I must say, that my soul enjoyed such a refreshing from some of its pieces, that I seemed richly bedewed with the droppings of heavenly unction. That piece on Joshua was peculiarly applicable to my case; whether in things public or private, spiritual or temporal, I am the man you seem to be speaking to; for though I do not doubt the truth and faithfulness of Jehovah, my covenant God, yet such was the darkness and difficulty with which I was surrounded, both in things worldly and divine, that. I knew not what course to take, nor to what earthly friend I could apply. 1 seemed to stand alone like "a beacon upon the top of a mountain, and as an ensign on a hill;" and though my banner at times hath in a very small measure been moved by that wind which "bloweth where it listeth," yet none seem to regard or adhere to my standard. But now I sweetly remember that I am not only treading the footsteps of the flock, but in those of some of the shepherds of the flock. The greatest of all was left to himself in the defence of the truth; all forsook him and fled. Elijah also was left alone, though he faithfully sounded his trumpet, and with certain sound


warned the people of danger; yet none came to his standard, and he was so deserted as to exclaim, "And I, even I only am left alone, and they seek my life to take it away." Paul also, in his defence of the Gospel, was so forsaken that no man stood with him in the very presence of the lion that roared against the lambs of the true fold, and endeavoured to rob them of that food which grace had provided for them, even the bread for their souls, which by the faithful preaching of the word was broken unto them. And since that, many other eminent servants of the Lord have been forsaken of all but him, in the hour of trial; and it is sweet to know that when hated of all men for his name's sake, he then stands more near to his people than at any other time; but of this the soul hath not always a sensible enjoyment, and therefore is ready to inquire, "Will the Lord cast off for ever, and will he be favourable no more? Is his mercy clean gone for ever? Doth his promise fail for evermore? Hath God forgotten to be gracious; hath he in anger shut up his tender mercies?" Or as you say, "Is God a bankrupt? Hath he no more unsearchable riches? No more strength to help in time of spiritual and temporal trial?"

Ah! blessed be his holy name, he at times so strengthens my feeble faith, as to enable me in the midst of trial exultingly to say, "All is well, and all shall be well, and all things shall work together for my good; because God hath shed abroad his love in my soul by the power of the Holy Ghost, when he applied the blood of sprinkling to my fearful heart, and cleansed away my guilt, and taught my stammering tongue to utter plainly the hardest of all words to a quickened child of God, even Abba, Father. Ah! then (O memorable time) he put me among the children (Jer. iii. 19), and made with me a covenant ordered in all things and sure, that I should no more turn away from him by a final falling away from his truth. Oh this thought at this moment refreshes my spirit, and fills my heart with gratitude and love; and that love constrains me to glorify the Lord in the fire, and as it were to sing, "He hath done all things well. Blessed be the Lord."

But to return to your Magazine of Gospel truth. Another piece which much affected and touched my feelings, was the sermon on Popery by that dear man, Mr. Irons. The sentiments he has made known have for some time been formed in my own mind, and I know that the sword he foresees will surely come upon treacherous Judah ; and fall as an only and grievous evil upon those treacherous dealers who deal treacherously with God's true Israel, in keeping back from them the better half of the Gospel. These, like the false prophets in Jeremiah's days, continually say, "Fear not;" and "peace, peace, no evil shall come on us." The Chaldeans * shall not break down our city, and take away our temple service. No, the Chaldeans are harmless and inoffensive men, and have been an injured people; and they will not act so cruelly to Judah as the Assyrians did to Israel when the martyrs were burned in Smithfield. But as Mr. Irons says, "A lion is a lion do what you will with him." If he be chained by Providence, or tamed by the art and power of man, he is a lion still; and a tame lion is as terrible to strangers as a wild one. I well know that he yet grinds his teeth even where the name of Popery is not known; and that at the " whole lamb" of a perfect and pure Gospel, and also at the Israel indeed who love to feast on the lamb. And I am persuaded that he shall make war against this lamb, and overcome it, and so take away this "daily sacrifice," and place in its stead the abomination that maketh desolate; and

* I say Chaldeans, because I am persuaded that the last enemy will come on the

church in that character.

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Rev. G. W. Straton.


Gospel Marathe Mar 4 10.11

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