The greater part of the fifty-first Psalm was repeated to him; he listened with the utmost attention, and shortly after his friend had left him, he requested his wife (he had married a second time) to read that psalm again. He then repeated the wellknown lines of Hart, "Not the righteous, not the righteous; After making some farther remarks, he clasped his hands together, and, with a look of pleasing composure, exclaimed, Precious Saviour! precious Saviour! precious Saviour! and instantly closed his eyes in death. So calm, so composed was his dismissal, that those in the room thought he had merely fallen into a sleep; nor could they for some time believe that his breath had departed. Reader, we cannot dismiss the subject without an observation or two. If you are a parent, and you have a disobedient child, surely the foregoing account will furnish you with encouragement never to give up prayer. You may not live to see the fruits of it, but others may; the prayers of a parent leave an impression that is not easily erased. If the reader is a profligate son, there has been nothing advanced to encourage him in the pursuit of his sinful career. The character just described, it is hoped and believed, found mercy; but, as he often admitted, he endured through life a hell in his conscience, he drank a second time to drown the reflection of a first. From the possession of every comfort, he was compelled by his dissolute habits, often to endure hunger, cold, and almost nakedness. He brought one of the best of parents with sorrow to the grave; and at the close of his life his cries for mercy were heard, to the astonishment of his neighbours, during the midnight hours. He endured an agony in this respect not easily described; it was no easy work. Sin light thing with him then. No! In the earlier stages of his illness he remarked to a friend who called to see him, I cough half the night, and the other half is most horrible to my mind. Had you seen his anxious countenance-his uplifted eyes and hands and heard his groans for MERCY-MERCY-the sight, perhaps, you would never have forgotten. was no God help you to think of this, and to contrast with the case just narrated one which occurred a few days after. A woman had been drinking at different alehouses for nearly two days; at the close of the second day, when she staggered home to her neglected family, she was seized with a kind of fit: so insensible was she to her situation, that though her sucking infant was in the same room with her, crying and moaning most piteously, she heeded it not. Her reason had left her; pain and stupefaction had seized her; and in this awful condition, at midnight she died. Reader, this occurred within the last few weeks, at a house less than two hundred yards from the spot where the writer is now sitting. A OUR PORTRAIT-REV. E. ANDREWS, LL.D. In the ranks of those who publicly advocate the doctrines of a free, full, and complete salvation, "not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began," may be classed the name of the Rev. Gentleman whose portrait accompanies our present Number. Our sincere desire and prayer to God is, that the number of such as fearlessly declare his truth, under the blessed teaching and unctious power of the Holy Ghost, may be greatly multiplied. In the absence of such information as that with which a personal acquaintance might have supplied us, we publish the following particulars relating to Dr. Andrews' chapel, with which a correspondent has favoured us :-"Beresford Chapel was built in the years 1819 and THE REV? EDVARD ANDREWS. L...D. Minister of Beresford Chapel. Watworth: Published in the Cospel Vagazine Feb 11841. by Suphar Mushall & C 1820, and was opened on Easter Sunday in the latter year. It has been three times enlarged, and will now seat 1600 persons. It has a Sunday school for forty girls, and accommodates besides fifty boys and girls of the Walworth Charity School with sittings in the galleries. It was founded by William Symons and Thomas Chambers, Esqrs. The Church Prayers are read there by Mr. Cox. The organ, built by Mr. Buckwell, of the Hackney Road, is on a very large scale; having three rows of keys, and the additional advantage of very superior double diapasons. A prayer meeting is held every Monday evening, and a lecture is given every Thursday evening, commencing at half-past six. The doctrines maintained there are very strictly Calvinistic." REVIEWS. Nymphas. Bride and Bridegroom Communing. A Paraphrastic Exposition of the Song of Solomon, in Blank Verse. By the Rev. JOSEPH IRONS. London: Ebenezer Irons, 27, Red Cross Street. NYMPHAS (signifying spouse) is written in Mr. Irons' favourite style of blank verse. The many obscure passages in the "Song" whence Mr. Irons has selected his theme, render his task a difficult one; but his work has thrown considerable light upon the subject, and will, we doubt not, be perused with profit as well as pleasure. The great doctrines therein set forth, are the doctrines of the Bible; and are such as neither men, nor all the powers of darkness, can gainsay or resist. We therefore give it our most hearty commendation, annexing a short quotation as a specimen of the style of the work : Chap. ii. 2. As the lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters. My church, the object of eternal love, By new creation, cannot take a spot; The Good Man, and Meek and Faithful Ambassador for Christ : being the substance of a Sermon occasioned by the Death of the late Rev. Watts Wilkinson, B.A. Delivered at Unicorn Yard Chapel, Tooley Street, on Lord's Day evening, January 10, 1841. By D. DENHAM. London: Groombridge, Panyer Alley. In the sermon before us, Mr. Denham furnishes us with many additional and very interesting particulars respecting the late venerable divine. Did our space permit, we should have been happy to have availed ourselves of an extract or two; but as the sermon is published at a moderate price, we beg to recommend our readers to the work itself. The Family Reader of the New Testament. By the Rev. J. E. RIDDLE, M.A. London: Simpkin, Marshall, and Co. THIS is the first Number of a Commentary on the New Testament, published in a handsome form, and at a very moderate price. It is, what its name imports, a FAMILY READER; the author having adopted a plan calculated to awaken the interest of the various little communities into whose circles his work may obtain an introduction. Alluding to the subject of family reading, the author says, Whenever we meet together for this purpose, I will begin by reading to you a portion of the sacred text, of such length as I may deem expedient. I will then make some remarks in explanation of the passage read, giving the interpretation of any difficult or obscure verses, and pointing out the connexion and bearing of the whole, whenever such elucidation may seem necessary. But I do not intend to say all that may occur to my mind on the several subjects which will be brought before our notice; since I wish to leave room for your own inquiries, and to encourage a serious and lively conversation concerning the meaning and force of the successive portions of the sacred volume. I shall also occasionally take an opportunity of proposing questions, in order at once to ascertain your proficiency in biblical learning, and to direct your attention to points which may otherwise pass unobserved. I trust that this method will be at once agreeable and profitable to all parties. We shall notice the work as it proceeds. The Four Folded Lambs. London: Ward and Co. THE painful circumstances alluded to in the preface of the little work before us, cannot but awaken the sympathies of every feeling heart. "Many of you, my dear friends," says the writer, "are aware that in the short space of one month, I was called to resign to their everlasting |