Grazer Beiträge, المجلد 2Rodopi., 1974 |
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النتائج 1-3 من 5
الصفحة 254
... pneuma is part of the physical soul with which an individual is endowed by pneuma acting as a cosmic force.17 Its agitation of the surrounding air , and its causing it too " cointend ” ( ovvevτeiveo @ au ) can probably be seen as ...
... pneuma is part of the physical soul with which an individual is endowed by pneuma acting as a cosmic force.17 Its agitation of the surrounding air , and its causing it too " cointend ” ( ovvevτeiveo @ au ) can probably be seen as ...
الصفحة 255
... pneuma , and is probably a precise description of the Oscillating TOVIKη Kivnois which was the motion of pneuma within bodies.23 ovvévraois on the other hand is produced by the action of the optical pneuma which is part of the soul - pneuma ...
... pneuma , and is probably a precise description of the Oscillating TOVIKη Kivnois which was the motion of pneuma within bodies.23 ovvévraois on the other hand is produced by the action of the optical pneuma which is part of the soul - pneuma ...
الصفحة 257
... pneuma.28 In each case he ignores the human perspective — or ― the intracosmic dimension of these Stoic theories . For the Stoics re- cognised that in human action causation was complex and not reducible to simple determinist principles ...
... pneuma.28 In each case he ignores the human perspective — or ― the intracosmic dimension of these Stoic theories . For the Stoics re- cognised that in human action causation was complex and not reducible to simple determinist principles ...
GUNDERT Hermann Zur Nestorrede im I Gesang der Ilias | 61 |
KRAFFT Peter Eine unwahre Behauptung bei Thukydides 112 ? | 69 |
KRISCHER Tilman Die logischen Formen der Priamel | 79 |
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A.J.Pfiffig Achilleus Adonis Aeneis Aischylos Alexandre amne amnis Antike Archon Astarte Athen Aufführung Ausonius avait Bedeutung beiden Buch Caere Caeriten Catullus christlichen commedia Culex d'Alexandre Datierung description Dichter Diog Dionysien echo Einfluß Epos Eros ersten été etruskischen F.Altheim Fata fatum first fourth strophe Gedicht Götter Gottheit Göttin Greek Griechen griechischen heiligen Hierogamie Homer homerischen Ikaria Ilias Inschrift Iordanis Iuvencus Jahre Kallimachos Karthager l'art grecs läßt lich Menschen Monolog muß Néarque Odyssee Odysseus otium-strophe Ovid pairs Parca Peisistratos phoinikischen Phrynichos pneuma poem point politischen praef Pratinas Priamel Properz punischen Pyrgoi qu'il Rede rigare riget römischen Samia Sappho's Schluß Schrift seems Sextus Sieg sottotitolo Spiritus Stoic Strabon structure Suda Tempel Text Themistokles theory Thespis three-strophe Thukydides titolo Tragödie unserer Velianas Verg Vergil Wettkampf wohl Wort γὰρ δὲ δὴ ἐν καὶ μὲν οἱ πρὸς τὰ τὴν τῆς τὸ τοῖς τοῦ τῶν ὡς