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Arrangement of the Senate.



David Sears,
Alexander De Witt,
Joseph T. Buckingham,
William A. Hawley,
Stephen Hilliard,
John H. Wilkins,
Edward B. Bigelow,
Edward L. Keyes,
Asa G. Welch,
Luke Wellington,
Richard P. Brown,
Samuel Warner, Jr.,
Charles T. Russell,
George H. Kuhn,
William Barney,
Erasmus D. Beach,
Giles H. Whitney,
Daniel Saunders, Jr.,
Moses Wood,
Charles Hubbard.

Arrangement of the Senate.



Frederick Robinson,
William H. Wood,
Moses Newell,
Benjamin Seaver,
John W. Graves,
Edward Cazneau,
Robert S. Daniels,
John Boynton,
George Austin,
David Mosely,
Francis Howe,
Alvah Morrison,
Edmund Kimball,
Whiting Griswold,
William Hyde,
James M. Usher,
William C. Taber,
Zenas D. Bassett,
Lyman W. Dean.


Of the Duties and Power of the President.

1. The President shall take the chair every day at the hour to which the Senate shall have adjourned, shall call the members to order, and, on the appear... ance of a quorum, shall cause the journal of the preceding day to be read.

2. He shall preserve order and decorum, may speak to points of order in preference to other members, and shall decide all questions of order subject to an appeal. He shall rise to put a question or to address the Senate, but may read sitting,

3. He shall declare all votes; but, if any member rises to doubt a vote, the President shall order a return of the number voting in the affirmative and in the negative, without any further debate. He may vote on all questions, but shall not be required to do so unless the Senate is equally divided, or unless his vote, if given to the minority, would render the division equal.

4. When any member shall require a question to be determined by yeas and nays, the President shall take the sense of the board in that manner, provided one fourth part of the members present are in favor of it.

5. When a question is under debate, the President shall receive no motion but to adjourn, to lay on the table, to postpone to a day certain, to commit, to

Decorum and Debate. 5

amend, or to postpone indefinitely, which several motions shall have precedence in the order in which they stand arranged; and a motion to adjourn shall be decided without debate.

6. When two or more members happen to rise at once, the President shall name the member who is to speak first.

7. The President shall have the right to name a member to perform the duties of the chair, but such substitution shall not extend beyond an adjournIslent. f : .

8. In case the President shall be absent at the hour to which the Senate was adjourned, the senior member present shall call the board to order, and shall preside until the President shall resume his seat; provided, that such substitution shall not extend beyond an adjournment.

Decorum and Debate.

9. Every member, when he speaks, shall stand in his place, and address the President, and when he has done speaking, shall sit down.

10. No member shall speak more than once on one question, to the prevention of any other who has not spoken, and is desirous to speak, nor more than twice without obtaining leave of the board.

11. No member speaking shall be interrupted by another but by rising up to call to order.

12. After a question is put to a vote, no member shall speak to it.

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