Essay on Beauty

الغلاف الأمامي
A. Murray, 1871 - 324 من الصفحات

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طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات

عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة

مقاطع مشهورة

الصفحة 115 - He makes sweet music with the enamel'd stones, Giving a gentle kiss to every sedge He overtaketh in his pilgrimage ; And so by many winding nooks he strays, With willing sport, to the wild ocean...
الصفحة 113 - And temperate vapours bland, which the only sound Of leaves and fuming rills, Aurora's fan, Lightly dispers'd, and the shrill matin song Of birds on every bough ; so much the more His wonder was to find unwaken'd Eve With...
الصفحة 132 - And, behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD ; but the LORD was not in the wind : and after the wind an earthquake : but the LORD was not in the earthquake : and after the earthquake a fire ; but the LORD teas not in the fire : and after the fire a still small voice.
الصفحة 83 - ... responsive as the milkmaid sung, The sober herd that low'd to meet their young; The noisy geese that gabbled o'er the pool, The playful children just let loose from school ; The watchdog's voice that bay'd the whispering wind, And the loud laugh that spoke the vacant mind; These all in sweet confusion sought the shade, And fill'd each pause the nightingale had made.
الصفحة 115 - The pipe of early shepherd dim descried In the lone valley ; echoing far and wide The clamorous horn along the cliffs above ; The hollow murmur of the ocean-tide ; The hum of bees, the linnet's lay of love, And the full choir that wakes the universal grove.
الصفحة 87 - Shagg'd o'er with wavy rocks, cheerless, and void Of every life, that from the dreary months Flies conscious southward. Miserable they! Who, here entangled in the gathering ice, Take their last look of the descending sun ; While, full of death, and fierce with tenfold frost, The long long night, incumbent o'er their heads, Falls horrible.
الصفحة 87 - Ocean itself no longer can reSist The binding fury, but, in all its rage Of tempest taken by the boundless frost, Is many a fathom to the bottom chain'd, And bid to roar no more...
الصفحة 31 - It is easy enough to understand how the sight of a picture or statue should affect nearly in the same way as the sight of the original ; nor is it much more difficult to conceive, how the sight of a cottage should give us something of the same feeling as the sight of a peasant's family ; and the aspect of a town raise many of the same ideas as the appearance of a multitude of persons.
الصفحة 32 - ... of the simplicity by which it is contrasted with the guilt and the fever of a city life ; in the images of health, and temperance, and plenty which it exhibits to every eye — and in the glimpses which it affords to warmer imaginations, of those primitive or fabulous times when man was uncorrupted by luxury and ambition, and of those humble retreats in which we still delight to imagine that love and philosophy may find an unpolluted asylum.
الصفحة 78 - Non alios prima crescentis origine mundi illuxisse dies aliumve habuisse tenorem crediderim : ver illud erat, ver magnus agebat orbis, et hibernis parcebant flatibus Euri, cum primae lucem pecudes hausere, virumque 340 terrea progenies duris caput extulit arvis, immissaeque ferae silvis et sidera caelo.

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