GB/T 19941-2005 Translated English of Chinese Standard. GB/T19941-2005, GB33460: Leather and fur - Chemical tests - Determination of formaldehyde content [Buy--download True-PDF in 3-second: > Sign in > This BOOK > "3-dots" > Export > Save as "*.pdf"], 26/01/2018 - 19 من الصفحات This standard specifies the method for determining the formaldehyde content in a water extract from leather and fur products. This standard applies to all kinds of leathers, fur products, and their products. |
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
20 mm cuvette 25 mL conical 5.6.1 Some contents absorbance at 412 accordance with QB/T accurate to 0.1 acetonitrile 4.2.3 acetylacetone solution 5.2.2 ADD 5 mL ADD the plug aldehydes ammonium acetate Analytical balance blank solution calibration Chemical tests Concentration of formaldehyde contents of paragraph deionized water determine the absorbance distilled water dodecylsulphonate solution 5.2.1 formaldehyde content formaldehyde solution formaldehyde standard solution formaldehyde stock solution free formaldehyde fur products glacial acetic acid HPLC Instrument and equipment iodine ketones leather sample level 3 water milliliters µg/10 mL millimeter mL mL conical flask mL of acetylacetone mL of distilled mL of sodium mL of water mL volumetric flask original international standard PIPETTE 2.5 mL provisions of QB/T sample solution sodium dodecylsulphonate solution Sodium hydroxide solution is added specimen spectrophotometric standard and ISO/TS standard number Sulfuric acid Table B.1 Technical differences test report test tube water bath water to dilute weighed in accordance µg/mL